Release V22.2

  • updated 11 mths ago


Built on Windows Server 2019 Standard

MSBuild v16.0

MSI: Wix v1.14.2
Released on: 11/1/2022

CRC-32: 8ea7206b
MD4: 5c07b1c904ed8eab7787c923067bbcfe
MD5: 16582eb46e84fb50a57b6cace8b31984
SHA-1: f4ae6635b9684ed2965b31a8dba363bb14d9d2d1




  • Log manual data modifications and deletions in Enhanced Audit Log
  • Calculations: Allow Quality() functions to return quality of a variable
  • Calculations: Sum aggregate which is equivalent to Average * Count
  • Calculations: When backfilling multiple asset instances, prevent excessive Historian hdb2 files from being created
  • Views: Log usage analytics to a database
  • Views: Modeling rules support \U (all upper) and \L (all lower) in the regex
  • Views: Read annotations through API



  • Configuration to disable local anonymous connection from Administrator UI
  • Many improvements to Enhanced Audit Logging for configuration changes
  • Add CSV and PDF formats for Message/Audit log export
  • Historian: Add exclusion filtering in tag search
  • Views: Add exclusion filtering in tag search
  • Axiom: Rename "Audit" tab to "Usage"


Bug Fixes


  • Not displaying string tags correctly when Aggregate trend user preferences entered
  • Button navigation cannot be switched to HREF link if previously set to chart or application
  • Limits for string tags not working
  • TrendGraph does not draw slow changing values that have not had a value change within the visible duration of the TrendGraph
  • BarChartLimitLine cannot change color of limit because color picker keeps getting closed
  • BarChartLimitLine cannot be set to SourceTag after setting it to a number
  • Axiom.sqlite database location is not honoring Axiom base path setting
  • Trends not filling to the live edge with slow updating tags
  • DataEntry control date/time picker does not handle timezone changes in preferences properly
  • DataEntry control persists the last timestamp after switching timezones through the user's Preferences
  • Legend properties in Preferences do not always apply when they should
  • Line control can get into a state where it cannot be moved in edit mode
  • TrendGraph time interval on charts is not always updating when trying to select a new interval
  • TrendGraph does not display the correct time interval when zooming into a particular window
  • Administrator users do not have admin privileges when the Canary Administrator has local anonymous access disabled


  • Option to move old hdb files rather than deleting them is not picking up configuration changes from the Admin
  • DataSet rename only renames the folder but not the HDB files in certain environments
  • Views: getLiveData function retrieves the virtual time-extended timestamp of a tag that isn't changing for the initial call, but then returns the original timestamp on subsequent calls
  • Views: Service is slow to start when there are many DataSets in the Historian
  • Views: Remote Historian connections will cause the Receiver service to leak memory and threads causing more and more CPU usage
  • Calculations: Potential deadlock preventing calculations from finishing backfilling and they can no longer be stopped or started
  • Calculations: Rollup function asset warning is incorrect
  • Calculations: Sometimes a calculation never exits Backfill mode on the last asset unless the calc is restarted
  • Calculations: A calculation can be running and calculating values but Sender session is not opened and no data is being written to the Historian
  • Calculations: Some asset instances don't calculate any values
  • Publisher: Not automatically refreshing Views updates
  • Excel Add-in: Enabling the "Show Headers" within the "LastValue" function causes an exception
  • Excel Add-in: The same data is shown for 2 different tags when pulling RawData for each individually
  • Excel Add-in: AdHoc Events function not working


  • OPC Collector: Fails to connect to OPC UA server when disabling/enabling anonymous connection
  • CygNet Collector: Not working with DataSets that have spaces in the name when utilizing dynamic DataSets
  • Receiver: Possible exception when shutting down service with active sessions


  • Historian: Property import show a successful import message even when some properties failed to import
  • Calculations: Tags list disappears when the Asset Path is set to the local Historian view
  • Messages: Exception can sometimes occur when exporting messages from a remote Administrator
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