Axiom No License Message
Hi Everyone I read this message on Axiom....but I have license until next year. What's happenning?
Read API Continuation
Can someone please explain how to use the continuation token returned by calls to /getTagData when using the read API? The docs (Canary Labs | Views Web API Documentation) don't include a lot of…
How to turn off Compression on SQL Collector Tags.
How to turn off Compression on SQL Collector Tags. I want all values from my SQL Collector. Example this happed today Timestamp Value 2025-03-10 11:41:55.978 31.79 2025-03-10 11:25:34.045 31.…
OPC-UA Collector Certificate
Good Day All, Version I have an OPC-UA server that I am attempting to connect to with my Canary OPC-UA collector. The OPC-UA server requires secure connection, leveraging certificates,…
Event Aggregate Value
Can you provide a list of all the event aggregate properties that are available to use in the email notifications for an event: I have end email notification template setup like this:…
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Axiom scripting class reference
I've been playing with scripting in Axiom and I'm wondering if there is documentation of the classes available, eg properties for all the control objects that can be put on the screen.…
Raw Export Returning Duplicate Rows
When using Axiom to raw export 3 tags we are getting duplicated rows for two of the tags but not the other. Is this a result of trying to perform a raw export for multiple tags, a known issue?…
Safe Direct Modification of MQTT Tag SQLite DB?
Can we safely modify the MQTT Tag SQLite database directly with proper precautions? We’re looking to implement a script that processes a CSV file of tags that need to be historized or removed,…
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Remote Historian/Views/Architecture Options
I have multiple historians and a remote Axiom server. Is it better for Axiom to be pointed at a local Views instance which is connected to the remote historians,…
Ignition - Backfill data from SQL database
We are hoping to use Canary historian for our existing Ignition system but are concerned about access to our existing data. Does anyone know if there's an accepted way to backfill existing data from…
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Count Daily events
I have a system with a tag that produces 3 values: UP DOWN NoData And I want to count the number of times (within a day) the tag value switches from UP to DOWN or from NoData to UP.…
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Wrong STRING and REAL format with Canary Logger
Hello, We are facing a problem with the format of the Tags with OPC DA Canary Logger 24.2. The tags are displayed in a different way in Logger, Historian and Views, for real time and historical data.…
Does "Logging to Redundant Canary Historians" require 2 licences ?
Hello, I was wondering if the following architecture require 2 licences or if this functionality is implemented with just one? My main concern is securing my Canary Historian data in multiple…
Historian Raw Float Precision
Hello! We are trying to understand why we are observing a lack of precision in our raw float values. Our data source is Ignition with Cirrus Link MQTT. In most cases,…
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Screen Height and Width Dimensions Templates
Are there templates when sizing and choosing height and width based on device I want to display it on. For example, what would be the optimal height and width screen size if I want to create an…
Value Box AggregateInterval/AggregateStartTime Configuration
What is the best way to configure AggregateInterval and AggregateStartTime to accurately display the current shift's total production and current total load count?…
Schedule a daily export to excel
I see where you can schedule an automated report that sends a image via email and I also see how to export data in Axiom. What I would like to do is export a set of data to excel daily.…
ReadAPI Multiple Aggregate Methods & Return Format
I’m wondering if the getTagData2 API method can return a list of tags over the same time interval but with different aggregate methods. Axiom seems to handle this,…
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Possibly to convert/change data types?
We've implemented our pilot site with Canary using MQTT Collector and noticed that many tags are classified as I8 when they could be I1 or I2. These data types are defined in our Ignition system.…
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View assets in list instead of tiles
We've got a view with some long asset names. With each asset being a tile, the beginning and end of the asset name are cut off. And some of the names are similar.…
"Axiom Error: 'Bad: An Error Occurred'"
Hi everyone, I'm encountering an issue where Axiom is working fine for one user, but when another user logs in, they receive the error message: "Bad: an error occurred while processing your request.…
Cannot support operations that write to the log file
Hello Everyone, We’re encountering an issue where some events remain open in SQL, even after the corresponding flag becomes false. Upon investigation, we found the following errors: 1.…
Canary Admin Default Target
Hi, I have the Canary Admin Client installed on my laptop, without the Admin Service. 99% of the time, I need to connect to the Historian node and the rest to a fleet of S+F collectors.…
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Axiom trend charts
Hi, Does anyone know whether I can create new trend charts in one system and copy them over to the new system? The new system is not set up for production yet since we are still performing a series…
Efficient querying for calculated interval data
We have a calculation writing 11 tags every 5 minutes to it's own dataset for our BI team. Since the historian is write-by-exception only, when querying this 5m data,…
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