Release V22.3.1

  • updated 11 mths ago


Built on Windows Server 2019 Standard

MSBuild v17.0

MSI: Wix v1.14.2
Released on: 3/2/2023

CRC-32: 9567eac5
MD4: 98a1378e85d88d7278928a33e748c65a
MD5: edf0ed0851929cac0f51ae9fdd95c6ea
SHA-1: d2cadc2eaa7151eefb86445c71819669944ec49f



  • Cygnet Collector: Trim trailing spaces of STRING values


Bug Fixes


  • Reports not generated when tag does not exist
  • Calculations throw an error when using a "double" or "decimal" value type with the multiplication operator
  • Calculations sometimes throw an error when an application is opened
  • Calculations is converting string values containing a number to a decimal value sometimes causing calculation errors
  • Calculations error is displayed when changing assets
  • Endbound aggregate in application throws an error when no raw values exist in the specified interval
  • Live mode data time extends correctly but then doesn't show new data when the new data starts in the middle of the time extended data


  • Views: Modeling Copy Rule not storing the correct ItemID in the Mapping table when view is saved
  • Publisher: When publishing MQTT data, disconnecting and reconnecting to views causes duplicate data to be sent in a DDATA message


  • CSV Collector: Stops processing csv files if the same file is copied into the processing folder multiple times
  • MQTT Collector: Multiple metric values in birth message causing duplicate key exception when "sync historian tags" setting is turned on
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