Release V22.1.0
Roadmap & Releases / Canary System Release Notes

Built on Windows Server 2019 Standard
MSBuild v16.0
MSI: Wix v1.14.2
Released on: 7/11/2022
New Features
- ScatterPlot control allows multiple pairs of tags to be plotted against one another in a typical scatter plot fashion - (currently does not support asset templating or asset swapping)
- Indicate bad or uncertain quality data through control styling
- Support string values in comparison property of control limits
- Label has SourceTag property to allow the label text to be set based on the source tag name
- Ability to manually run a report for a specified time
- Include source IP address in invalid web request error messages
- Autofill the EventServer parameter with 'localhost' or the machine name of the Axiom server
- Log failed logon attempts and user lock out when using Enhanced Audit Logging
- Include screen name in script error messages
- Option to move old hdb files to specified directory rather than deleting them
- Calculations: Eliminate unnecessary error messages when communication is lost with Views service
- Events: Allow templating of event notification email messages
- Events: Configure a notification email to send when an event ends
- Publisher: Option to publish every value including Historian time extension values
- Excel Add-in: User specified timezone and support for relative date/time keywords for input
- Excel Add-in: In Find Events, filter properties based on the selected Event type
- Excel Add-in: Move storage location of user settings to prevent losing settings with Canary or Excel updates
- ODBC: Support relative start and end times
- CSV Collector: Read tag properties from CSV file
- CSV Collector: Handle column based layouts with branch information embedded in the value data
- MQTT Collector: Support for out-of-order messages from the broker
- MQTT Collector: Write No Data value on ndeath and ddeath messages
- MQTT Collector: Option to write No Data value when disconnected from broker
- Historian: Option in Historian tile to import and attach properties to tags
- Historian: Better message when renaming tags and the tags are not in some hdb files
- Calculations: Better confirmation message when Calculations is going to create a new DataSet
Bug Fixes
- CountInStateZero and CountInStateNonZero aggregates do not return the correct count when the data changes exactly at the start of an interval
- EventTypes parameter doesn't auto-populate upon initial creation of Events table
- TrendGraph Zoom cursor can be zoomed to a 00:00:00 interval breaking the display of trends
- TrendGraph Export not parsing Start and Stop times correctly in some non-English locales
- ManualDataEntry control does not work with tags with a " or \ character in the name
- Service will crash if the user enters invalid values for numeric properties
- SAML sign on will sometimes not place the admin users in the Canary admin group
- Stretch handles on Symbols do not change position when symbol orientation is changed
- When changing "Everyone" preferences while logged into an account with a different theme preference causes brief flashing of everyone theme
- When inserting a value with audit information, Historian records can be very small creating inefficient data storage
- Failure to insert a value when the inserted value goes in a file that does not contain any data for the tag
- Inserting in backward direction crossing new file boundaries writes to wrong file
- Replacing a data value which was the last value in the file before a file that did not contain the tag caused the value to be put in the wrong file eliminating the No Data hole between the files
- Store-Every-Value can miss storing a new value after an insert
- Adding an annotation that is beyond the data range causes the hdb file to get taken offline
- Creating a new file marks the previous file as "Rolled Over"
- VirtualTimeExtension not sending current value until a new value is logged after the reading client connects
- Can crash when DataSets are being added and changed programmatically in quick succession
- Historian is very slow to add new tags if a new file is created and there are many existing hdb files
- Views: CountInStateZero and CountInStateNonZero aggregates do not return the correct count when the data changes exactly at the start of an interval
- Views: Aggregate calls can consume high CPU in Views and Historian when there are certain unusual bad quality data patterns
- Views: Startup fails if there is a problem caching a DataSet node
- Views: A DataSet can be repeatedly cached in quick succession if a request is made for a live mode tag that does not exist
- Views: A DataSet can be repeatedly cached in quick succession if a Virtual Views refers to tag that does not exist
- Calculations: CountInStateZero and CountInStateNonZero aggregates do not return the correct count when the data changes exactly at the start of an interval
- Calculations: Calculation with output tag path collisions may sometimes calculate the different asset instances each time it runs
- Calculations: TagIfExists function can halt backfill and cause high memory usage when backfilling
- Calculations: Backfilling calculations do not honor delay inherited from dependencies
- Calculations: Running many rollups can cause high Views CPU and slow backfilling
- Calculations: New events are not created when running on a FIPS compliant OS due to an unsupported encryption algorithm
- Publisher: Connection error because of invalid credentials causes the collector to go into a tight loop using all CPU on the machine
- ODBC: Queries for tags from a Virtual View that return tag properties do not include "pass-through" Historian tag properties
- MQTT Collector: Connection error because of invalid credentials causes the collector to go into a tight loop using all CPU on the machine
- MQTT Collector: The Timestamp field does not appear in the JSON message type of a newly configured group until after applying changes
- MQTT Collector: When manually enabling tags, the dataset is not being assigned
- CSV Collector: Processing wrong variable when configuration is using PostProcessRegex=true and TagNameMatch parameters
- CygNet Collector: Not passing properties for inactive facilities
- Sender: Value Transform calculating an erroneous value when sending data to multiple historians
- Sender and Receiver: May close a logging session during daylight savings time transition
- Messages database selection does not always show the correct path to the database file
- Views: When looking at data for a tag, scrolling back for data does not work correctly
- Calculations: Selecting a function with a long description can sometimes cause the next function in the list to be selected
- Calculations: Search functionality broken in "Asset Tags" tab
- Calculations: Admin will hang or crash when selecting an asset type that has 1,000's of instances within an asset-based calculation
- Calculations: Can sometimes crash when editing a calculation