Read API Continuation
Can someone please explain how to use the continuation token returned by calls to /getTagData when using the read API? The docs (Canary Labs | Views Web API Documentation) don't include a lot of…
Remote Historian/Views/Architecture Options
I have multiple historians and a remote Axiom server. Is it better for Axiom to be pointed at a local Views instance which is connected to the remote historians,…
View assets in list instead of tiles
We've got a view with some long asset names. With each asset being a tile, the beginning and end of the asset name are cut off. And some of the names are similar.…
S&F Functionality For Remote MQTT Publisher
The Publisher service is a great bit of data connectivity for Canary, but it is missing a key feature. In distributed architectures, you cannot be sure that an MQTT stream won't miss any TVQs if…
Linked Tags (version 23)
Linked Tags are 2 or more tags that may exist in different (or the same) DataSets which the user wishes to link together to create one single data stream of history.…
How to Configure External Property Storage for Populating Metadata in Virtual Views (version 24)
Some properties are stored within the Historian. They are typically logged alongside the time-series data that comes from a Canary Collector. In some cases though,…
How to Configure External Property Storage for Populating Metadata in Virtual Views (version 25)
Some properties are stored within the Historian. They are typically logged alongside the time-series data that comes from a Canary Collector. In some cases though,…
SQL connection issue for tag attributes in views configuration
I have a test installation with data in a SQL database that is already sending time-series data through the SQL collector. I'm trying to connect to the same DB in the Views configuration to pick up…
Scaling on Virtual View
Hi all- I currently have some tags I am historizing that have a different scale associated with them as I store (10x / 100x / 500x). I am currently using virtual views and I am looking for a way to…
Connecting v23 and v24 historians via Remote Historian View
We currently have two Canary servers, one v23 and one v24. Is it supported to set up Remote Historian Views on each server so that the Axiom instance on each can access the Views from the other? Or,…
- Answered
Different log-ins for different preferences without using Windows LDAP
Hi, We run plant operations from a single PC with a general login, so everyone can access the HMI system and the Axiom trending package. Is there a way to create different accounts for the Axiom…
Assign Asset to 2nd level of all tags
I've got a View in which ever tag has 4 parts (separated by a period). In every tag, the 2nd level is known as the "area". I would like to assign an "Area" asset to the 2nd level of every single tag.…
v24.1 Can't manually rebuild View
On the View Options, there is a button to rebuild the view. It doesn't seem to work. The Delay Recache seems to be working normally, but right now you can't manually rebuild it.…
- Acknowledged
Call an API for Properties
Allow configuration in some manner to call an API to retrieve a property. For example, if I had an internal application which had an API that allows me to query for location information about a…
Use value of an asset tag as a property for all instances of that asset
For example, if I have a 'pipeline1.info.facility id' tag, I'd like to use the value of that facility ID tag as a "facility ID" property for all tags for the "pipeline1" instance of my "pipeline"…
ODBC without data on "data" table
Hi everyone, I'm trying to query from an ODBC client and I can only see data from the "aggregates" and "views" tables. When I try with the "data" table, the results are always empty.…
Views Tile - Historians Issue
Hello, I have an issue with Views>Configuration>Historians. There is not a default historian configured. When I try to add a historian ('Test'), there is no visual feedback of the creation,…
Where is the information for Canary Views Stored
As the title says, I am looking for the file that is used to store the Canary Views information. Is this possible to view and change? We have a view that has a bracket in the dataset name and the…
How to manage assets with automated reports
Hi, Im looking for a way to make a report from axiom based in the assets instances. Specifically i manage my screens in my app by assets, so i only make one screen that changes data based on the…
Unofficial API for Web Read API in NodeJS
Hello everyone! I use Axiom to build production and monitoring dashboards and have built an npm package to be able to integrate the web read API into nodeJS applications such as server daemons for…
Data Security (version 23)
The following article describes how data is secured In transit from Collector to Historian At rest in the Historian When accessed from the Historian Security In Transit Each Canary Collector is…
Linked Tags (version 24)
Linked Tags are 2 or more tags that may exist in different (or the same) DataSets which the user wishes to link together to create one single data stream of history.…
Linked Tags (version 25)
Linked Tags are 2 or more tags that exist in different (or the same) DataSets which the user wishes to link together to create one single data stream of history.…
Create a template of display
I have several sites with the same variable names. Only the site name changes. I'd like to create a display template where I only have to change the site name.…
Taking Axiom one step further than just trends and numbers.
These screenshots are examples of how we took advantage of the Canary Axiom application to display our treatment plant and remote stations similar to our HMI screens.…