SQL connection issue for tag attributes in views configuration

I have a test installation with data in a SQL database that is already sending time-series data through the SQL collector. I'm trying to connect to the same DB in the Views configuration to pick up external properties but the connection test failed with "MSSQL external properties connection test failed. Failed to get a handle for the requested domain user"

This is the same domain account that the SQL collector is successfully using to connect to the same database. Everything is also running on the same machine.

How do I diagnose and fix this?

(Also, I tried raising a support ticket with the above text but it was rejected as spam!)

1 reply

    • smason
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi ,

    We did get the ticket. Not sure why it would have marked it as spam. Maybe if you copied the text in from something else and hit submit fairly fast it would've thought it suspicious??? Regardless, I will let support handle the ticket and when it's resolved we can post the solution here.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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