Views Tile - Historians Issue

I have an issue with Views>Configuration>Historians. There is not a default historian configured. When I try to add a historian ('Test'), there is no visual feedback of the creation, but when trying to recreate it, it seems like it was already created (The Historian 'Test' is already a View).

Canary Version:
Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to your response.

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  • Hi gilbert. delgado

    Does this server have a local Historian installed on it? Or is it just the Views service? I recommend opening the Registry Editor to see what is listed in the path I have highlighted.

    In my example above, SMASON is the local historian view which is created by default if there is a local Historian installed. If there is no local Historian installed, you will want to delete that registry key which would have the machine name listed. If there are any other Historians listed, check and make sure they are valid. The views service attempts to add any Historians that are listed here. If a Historian does not exist for one of these entries, it will not displaying anything in the U/I. After removing any unwanted Historians, restart the Views service. If trying to add a remote Historian, make sure one of the gRPC endpoints is enabled and open on the Historian server. I would try the anonymous one first so as to eliminate any access permission issues.

    If you use the secure endpoint, the Views server client will first appear on the DENY list under the Access tab on the left. You would have to manually allow it in order for it to appear on the Views server.

  • Greetings  Steve ,
    The root problem was that the machine's name was changed.
    I followed the article: https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/h7y3vwb/changed-computer-name-missing-local-historian-and-virtual-views#y4yxhm8
    Everything is good now; thank you for your response.

    • gilbert. delgado Glad to hear you were able to resolve it! The computer name change was going to be the next avenue I pursued.

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