Read API Continuation

Can someone please explain how to use the continuation token returned by calls to /getTagData when using the read API? The docs (Canary Labs | Views Web API Documentation) don't include a lot of detail.

If I simply add the continuation token in the response from the initial getTagData request as a parameter in the next GET request, I get an error 'Invalid Continuation'

Here is the Python function I am using to query the API:

1 reply

    • smason
    • 17 hrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi ,

    I'm not a developer so I won't be able to dissect your script, but I have an example here in Postman where I am just passing in the continuation array that I get at the end of the response back into my next call until I get a null continuation value.

    The other option would be to use the getTagData2 call. The original getTagData function had a cap of 10k records it would return at one time requiring the continuation parameter to be passed back in until all values were received. The getTagData2 function allows you to set the max record count to whatever you would like so that you do not need to loop through using the continuation parameter. This is controlled in the Views tile (https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/x2yfyfd/views-tile-version-25#settings) using the Web API Limits.

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