Where is the information for Canary Views Stored

As the title says, I am looking for the file that is used to store the Canary Views information. Is this possible to view and change? We have a view that has a bracket in the dataset name and the views service is crashing. We can not get the views service to start.

Any help would be awesome!

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  • Hi hmatuse ,

    What version are you running? This was a bug that should've been resolved in v23.0. A DataSet cannot contain brackets. When creating a DataSet from Historian U/I, it prevents you from doing this, but if you're creating the DataSet from a Collector or API, that is where the issue resided. It would cause the Historian.ini file to blow up.

    To fix it, you would need to stop the Historian service, then open up the C:\ProgramData\Canary\Historian\Historian.ini file. There is a list of all DataSets at the top of the file and a section for each of the DataSets listed. You will want to make sure you delete anything pertaining to the [DataSet]. Save the file, then restart the Historian. In later versions, we throw an error indicating there is an invalid character in the DataSet name and the data just buffers in the Sender.

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  • 4 mths agoLast active
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