Add metadata to Asset Types instead of just tags
It would be helpful if we could add properties to Asset Types. This would allow us to provide more info to users about the asset like setpoints, manufacturer info, etc.
Sparkplug template views
It would be Nice if there was a default view/views for Sparkplug templates and instances.
Source Multiple Historians When Building A View
I should be able to pull tags from all my site Historians when I am building my Views at the corporate level. It would save me time.
- Released
Create Asset Frame work - ISA 95 structure independent from views and tags
Can you create a separate Asset management tree that`s not linked to tag names/views ? We need something static that`s not part of the tag structure and nomenclature.…
Document External Properties in SQLite
The document https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/m1y8gf3/how-to-configure-external-property-storage-for-populating-metadata-in-virtual-views-version-24 indicates that you can store external…
Add ability to edit model source views with a drop-down/"path-finder" after creating the view
When creating a virtual view, you are allowed to choose/add source views/paths from a dropdown selection. Once the view has been created, if you would like to edit or add to the source views for…
Edit Tag Properties from Views Tag Property Pane
Currently you can only view the properties in the Views Property Pane for a selected tag. It would be nice to be able to edit values of properties right from the pane
Add an Endpoint to Discern Views Version
With the addition of new endpoints to the Views API, it would be really cool to be able to query the API for it's version (could just be the views module version) so that we can discern which…
Don't recalculate View after every action
I've got a decent sized View. Every time I make a change it takes 35s to refresh the data set. That happens every single time I make a change. Even if I just change the description of a rule.…
- Released
S&F Functionality For Remote MQTT Publisher
The Publisher service is a great bit of data connectivity for Canary, but it is missing a key feature. In distributed architectures, you cannot be sure that an MQTT stream won't miss any TVQs if…
Call an API for Properties
Allow configuration in some manner to call an API to retrieve a property. For example, if I had an internal application which had an API that allows me to query for location information about a…
Use value of an asset tag as a property for all instances of that asset
For example, if I have a 'pipeline1.info.facility id' tag, I'd like to use the value of that facility ID tag as a "facility ID" property for all tags for the "pipeline1" instance of my "pipeline"…
Options for View displays in the Administrator utility
It would be helpful to be able to modify the display settings for Views in the Administrator utility. Some of the components of the model have long names that currently spill over the edges of the…
Export tool in Canary Admin Tool
In the historian we are replacing Canary with there is an export tool that you can use to export data and properties for selected tags (or can search to get the list) to excel.…