Unofficial API for Web Read API in NodeJS

Hello everyone! I use Axiom to build production and monitoring dashboards and have built an npm package to be able to integrate the web read API into nodeJS applications such as server daemons for WhatsApp or email alarm notifications, in-house mobile operations applications, bespoke KPI reporting.

We have even connected production data to an internal radio system so all our operators receive radio transmissions of critical changes to processes that need immediate attention.

Quite a useful addition to the Canary suite. It is open-sourced and available on npm and GitHub:


I have added a couple of quality-of-life changes for developers which are in the documentation. 

Also, an obligatory share of one of my axiom dashboards, critical production data has been blanked out, this site is under commissioning, so not running within desired (green) parameters in all areas yet - it will be a glorious day when everything is green!!!;

1 reply

    • smason
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Nice work wilburforce83 !

    Thanks for the submission!