Storing Events in an External SQL Database (version 23)
By default, Canary stores its events in a SQLite database, C:\ProgramData\Canary\Events\CanaryEvents.sqlite. If wishing to store these events in an external SQL database,…
Storing Events in an External SQL Database (version 25)
By default, Canary stores its events in a SQLite database, C:\ProgramData\Canary\Events\CanaryEvents.sqlite. If wishing to store these events in an external Microsoft SQL database,…
Getting Timestamps from tag in Event
Is there anyway to get the timestamp from a tag in the events service? I want to use some conditioning to add events according to a specific timeframe.
Customize Event Email Subject
We really like being able to customize the body of an event email, but especially when it's being sent to a text number like 5553334444@vtext.com the email subject can be quite long,…
External Events Database Triggers
Dear Canary team, I have an external MSSQL server storing Events, and I would like triggers in the database on INSERTs and UPDATEs on the Events and EventProperties tables,…
- Fixed
Add ability to test event trigger emails while editing them
In order to make sure formatting is correct before the alert goes live
Event Property Value for Beginning and End of Event
Is it possible to enhance events capability to include the option for the event property to capture a value at the event beginning, end, or both? Currently if you set the event property to a tag,…
- Released
Calculation with notification sends email.
I have a calculation setup with an event that will send an email based on an event start and end trigger. I do the calculation every 30s. Then I check the average value over the last hour and check…
Allow to send notifications with web hooks
When event occurs message is sent with email only. Using web hooks will allow to send notification to various modern chat applications such as MS Teams, Slack and others
Add Chart Annotations
Add functionality for annotations to Axiom Chart to show and store data points of interest for the future and for sharing. The other option, at least for our use case,…
Event Description
Is there a way to get the description, start Trigger, and end Trigger of the event added to the email? It does give the source which is good. The current event doesn't give much insight into what is…
- Released
Views Security and Events Table
Currently, if you have views security enabled for a user to only be able to see a virtual view and not the local datasets, that user cannot view events on that server through axiom.…
Calcs & Events Tile (version 24)
Active - number of active calcs/events currently running Tags Writing - number of tags being written to the Historian Hourly Count - number of TVQs (timestamp value quality) written to the Historian…
Calcs & Events Tile (version 25)
Active - number of active calcs/events currently running Tags Writing - number of tags being written to the Historian Hourly Count - number of TVQs (timestamp value quality) written to the Historian…
Golden Batch Events/Trends
A common use of historical data is that of a Golden Batch. This represents the best case for the manufacturing of a product. When there is an issue in a batch,…
- On Roadmap
How To Create an Event (version 25)
Events in Canary are conditioned-based, monitoring live data as it flows into the Historian. Whenever a certain condition is met (Start Trigger) for a certain amount of time (Minimum Duration) an…
How To Create an Event (version 24)
Events in Canary are conditioned-based, monitoring live data as it flows into the Historian. Whenever a certain condition is met (Start Trigger) for a certain amount of time (Minimum Duration) an…
How To Create an Event (version 23)
Starting in v21.4, the Canary Event Service has been obsoleted and merged into the Canary Calculation Service. The following steps demonstrate how to create an event using the new method.…
Axiom EventsTable - Add TimeStart Property
Loving the EventsTable control added in V21.4.0 but would like to see a TimeStart property for it (like other controls such as bar charts offer in Axiom applications).…
***ATTENTION*** - Events Service Merging Into Calculation Service Starting in v21.4
Starting in v21.4, the Canary Event Service will be obsoleted and merged into the Canary Calculation Service. Any preexisting events will be converted over during the upgrade process and appear in…
Calcs & Events: 301
The third of a series of three coaching sessions designed to teach you how to use the Calcs & Events service. This video focuses on how to configure and use Events within the Calcs & Events server…
Calc & Events Status Screen (version 24)
Status Panel - displays metrics for the entire Calculation service Calculation Status Panel - displays metrics for the highlighted calc/event Search Bar - filters the calc/events table based on the…
Calc & Events Status Screen (version 23)
Status Panel - displays metrics for the entire Calculation service Calculation Status Panel - displays metrics for the highlighted calc/event Search Bar - filters the calc/events table based on the…
Calc & Events Settings Screen (version 23)
Service Settings Delayed Start Time (seconds) - a general delay from when the service starts until calculations/events are evaluated Destination Historians - a comma delimited list of historian…
Calculation Group Status Screen (version 23)
The Calculation Group Status screen is where users can create and configure calculations and/or events. Multiple calcs/events can be outputted from a single calc group provided they are independent…