Admin Tile (version 25)
Remote Enabled - True or False, if the Admin service allows a remote Canary Admin client connection Service Version - the version of the Admin service Client Version - the version of the Canary…
Axiom Tile (version 25)
Active Users - number of users connected to Axiom Active Sessions - number of open sessions CPU - amount of CPU the Axiom service is consuming License Users - number of Axiom licenses in use License…
Calcs & Events Tile (version 25)
Active - number of active calcs/events currently running Tags Writing - number of tags being written to the Historian Hourly Count - number of TVQs (timestamp value quality) written to the Historian…
CSV Collector Tile (version 25)
Directories - number of directories being monitored Queued - number of CSV files waiting to be processed Processed - number of CSV files that have been processed since the service started Tags -…
CygNet Collector Tile (version 25)
Divisions - number of sites the Collector is connected to Tags - number of tags being logged TVQs - number of updates that have been logged in the last hour Version - versioning number of the CygNet…
Historian Tile (version 25)
DataSets - number of DataSets configured in the Historian Licensed Tags - number of tags consuming a tag license CPU - amount of CPU the Historian service is using Handles (R/W) - number of tags…
Identity Tile (version 25)
Total Users – total number of “Canary” users created within the Identity service Active Users – total number of Canary users who are currently logged in to a Canary application (Canary Admin, Axiom,…
Licenses Tile (version 25)
Canary Historian - total number of tags the Historian is licensed for Canary Views - total number of Read API clients Views is licensed for Canary Historian ODBC - displays "Licensed" if licensed…
Logger Tile (version 25)
Startup Arguments - filepath of the logger configuration file (lcf) that is read when the Canary Logger service starts The Logger tile is a simple interface for configuring the Canary Logger service…
Messages Tile (version 25)
Warn - the number of warnings in the last 24 hours Error - the number of errors in the last 24 hours Fatal - the number of fatal errors in the last 24 hours Each of these categories acts as a…
MQTT Collector Tile (version 25)
Groups - number of connection groups that are running Connections - number of connection groups that are connected Tags - total number of tags the collector is subscribed to TVQ/sec - total number…
OPC Collector Tile (version 25)
Sessions - total number of sessions configured Groups - total number of groups across all sessions Tags - total number of tags across all sessions Logging - total number of tags that are being…
Publisher Tile (version 25)
Enabled - number of sessions running Connected - number of sessions connected to their destination Tags - total number of tags being published Assets - number of assets being published (only…
Receiver Tile (version 25)
Sessions - number of inbound Sender sessions Tags - total number of tags across all sessions that are being logged Updates - total number of TVQs that have been received since the Receiver service…
Sender Tile (version 25)
Sessions - number of Sender sessions that logging data Tags - total number of tags being logged across all sessions Buffer - total number of TVQs that are waiting to be sent to a destination.…
Services Tile (version 25)
The 'Services' tile allows the user to start/stop any or all installed Canary services with the exception of the Admin and Identity service which can only be restarted.…
SQL Collector Tile (version 25)
Connections - number of configured sessions Tags - total number of tags being logged TVQs - total number of updates logged in last hour Version - versioning number of the SQL Collector service The…
Store and Forward Tile (version 25)
Streams - number of data streams coming through the Store and Forward (SaF) service Buffer - amount of updates, or TVQs (Timestamp, Value, Quality), buffering in the SaF service.…
Views Tile (version 25)
Clients - number of clients connected to the Views service consuming data from the Historian Views - number of views within the Views service. By default, the Canary system comes with one view,…
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