Admin Tile (version 24)
Remote Enabled - True or False, if the Admin service allows a remote Canary Admin client connection Service Version - the version of the Admin service Client Version - the version of the Canary…
Axiom Tile (version 24)
Active Users - number of users connected to Axiom Active Sessions - number of open sessions CPU - amount of CPU the Axiom service is consuming License Users - number of Axiom licenses in use License…
Calcs & Events Tile (version 24)
Active - number of active calcs/events currently running Tags Writing - number of tags being written to the Historian Hourly Count - number of TVQs (timestamp value quality) written to the Historian…
CSV Collector Tile (version 24)
Directories - number of directories being monitored Queued - number of CSV files waiting to be processed Processed - number of CSV files that have been processed since the service started Tags -…
Historian Tile (version 24)
The 'Historian' tile contains configuration settings for the DataSets that reside within the historian where the raw data is stored. Each dataset can have its own unique settings.…
Identity Tile (version 24)
Total Users – total number of “Canary” users created within the Identity service Active Users – total number of Canary users who are currently logged in to a Canary application (Canary Admin, Axiom,…
Licenses Tile (version 24)
Canary Historian - the total number of tags the historian is licensed for Canary Views - the total number of Read API clients Views is licensed for Canary Historian ODBC - displays "Licensed" if…
Logger Tile (version 24)
Startup Arguments - filepath of the logger configuration file (lcf) that is read when the Canary Logger service starts The Logger tile is a simple interface for configuring the Canary Logger service…
Messages Tile (version 24)
Warn - the number of warnings in the last 24 hours Error - the number of errors in the last 24 hours Fatal - the number of fatal errors in the last 24 hours Each of these categories acts as a…
MQTT Collector Tile (version 24)
Within MQTT, the MQTT Collector acts as a "subscriber", consuming data from an MQTT server (or broker) to which devices "publish" data to. The collector supports three payload types: SparkplugB (2.…
OPC Collector Tile (version 24)
Sessions - total number of sessions configured Groups - total number of groups across all sessions Tags - total number of tags across all sessions Logging - total number of tags that are being…
Publisher Tile (version 24)
Enabled - number of sessions running Connected - number of sessions connected to their destination Tags - total number of tags being published Assets - number of assets being published (only…
Receiver Tile (version 24)
Sessions - number of inbound Sender sessions Tags - total number of tags across all sessions that are being logged Updates - total number of TVQs that have been received since the Receiver service…
Sender Tile (version 24)
Sessions - number of Sender sessions that logging data Tags - total number of tags being logged across all sessions Buffer - total number of TVQs that are waiting to be sent to a destination.…
Services Tile (version 24)
The 'Services' tile allows the user to start/stop any or all installed Canary services with the exception of the Admin and Identity service which can only be restarted.…
Store and Forward Tile (version 24)
Streams - number of data streams coming through the Store and Forward (SaF) service Buffer - amount of updates, or TVQs (Timestamp, Value, Quality), buffering in the SaF service.…
Views Tile (version 24)
Clients - number of clients connected to the Views service consuming data from the Historian Views - number of views within the Views service. By default, the Canary system comes with one view,…
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