Test Event Email Button
When creating an event, it would be nice if you could send a test email to ensure the subject looks right and the recipients are set up correctly. Adding a Send Test Email button next to the Edit…
Customize Event Email Subject
We really like being able to customize the body of an event email, but especially when it's being sent to a text number like 5553334444@vtext.com the email subject can be quite long,…
Folders in Calcs & Events
There should be a method for storing calculations in a folder structure so that the list does not get overly complicated.
Event Property Value for Beginning and End of Event
Is it possible to enhance events capability to include the option for the event property to capture a value at the event beginning, end, or both? Currently if you set the event property to a tag,…
- Released
More Responsive Calculations View in Canary Admin
When viewing the Status tab of the Calculations tile in Canary Admin, the view often freezes for a few seconds between refreshes of the data. With remote connections with low bandwidth,…
- Released
Hierarchy view for dependent calculations
In the Canary admin tool, calculations are displayed as a flat list. However, being able to view calculations as a tree view hierarchy can help organize the list.…
Function to return tag path from parent asset
Maybe there exists a way to do this, but I would like to use the available calculation functions on tags from the parent asset of the asset with a configured event.…
Event Property Integration
Canary Historian currently allows users to store custom events in an SQLite database, each with its set of properties. Will it be Possible to save these event properties as Actual Tags.…
Event Description
Is there a way to get the description, start Trigger, and end Trigger of the event added to the email? It does give the source which is good. The current event doesn't give much insight into what is…
- Released
Auto Recalculate when data become Available
Often times data won't be available in the calculations server due to site disconnects to the sender. Can you have canary calc server sense when that data makes its way to the calc server/historian…
- Not planned
Error in Calculations Alarm
When rerunning a calculation it is not apparent there is an issue with the data until we trend it in axiom or click through the view. It would be a faster means to troubleshoot if we got an error in…
- In review
Obsolete API Endpoint
I'm currently using canary with ignition and have found the process of removing tags from canary inconvenient. The current canary ignition module does not have any ability to remove a tag from canary…
Calculation option to evaluate the calculation as of a specific date/time
We can select an asset and see the current results of the calculation but it could be helpful if there was a way to also select a date and time and see what the current calculation definition would…
Allow to send notifications with web hooks
When event occurs message is sent with email only. Using web hooks will allow to send notification to various modern chat applications such as MS Teams, Slack and others
Email Groups within Canary
While we might be able to handle this with distribution lists in our email setups, it could be helpful if there was a way to create email groups within Canary and then use those groups in events.…
Add a CalculatedByGUID Reference
Add a line for the CalculatedByGUID to the Calculation Status pane for easy referencing of the Calculation's GUID without having to locate the output tags in the Historian.…
Scheduling Blocks for Calculations
Add the ability to schedule certain calculations to only run during certain times of the day, such as between 5 A.M. and 9 P.M. In our environment, some calculations,…
Aggregate from Start of Day to Current Time
How do you write an equation for an aggregate function that spans a period from the start of the DAY up to the current time. When I try something like this below Delta('[Product Counter Example]',…
Axion email notification function
We use the event email notification function with a lot of our customers as a process alarm function to notify them of unusual or out of limits process activity.…
Events In Progress
When using the Admin Client on the Calcs & Events screen, I would like an option to easily find all events currently in progress. It would be highly beneficial to have a filter specifically for…
Event Start Time for Different Time Zones
When using event email notifications, or even just events for that matter, the Event Start Time property uses the server time and can't be adjusted. This becomes an issue when the server time may not…
Timestamp Function
Capture the timestamp of a tag's value for calculations of durations over an unspecified amount of time.
Event Description
Is there a way to get the description of the event added to the email? It will be very helpful.
- Released