Calc & Events Status Screen (version 24)

  • updated 5 mths ago
  1. Status Panel - displays metrics for the entire Calculation service
  2. Calculation Status Panel - displays metrics for the highlighted calc/event
  3. Search Bar - filters the calc/events table based on the 'NAME' column. Keywords are separated with a space and can be prepended with an exclamation mark (!) to exclude calc/events containing that keyword.
  4. Start - starts any calc/event(s) that is selected in the table. Use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple calc/events.
  5. Stop - stops any calc/event(s) that is selected in the table
  6. Add - opens a screen to create a new calc/event
  7. Import - imports a group of calc/events from a JSON file
  8. Export - exports the selected calc/events to a JSON file
  9. Calc/Events Table - displays information of all existing calcs/events and their status

Status Panel

  • Active Calculations - the total number of calcs/events that are running
  • Tags Being Written - the total number of tags being outputted by the active calculations
  • Events In Progress - the total number of events that are in progress
  • Total Event Count - the total number of individual events that exist in the database
  • Calculated This Hour - the total number of calcs/events that have been evaluated from the beginning of the current hour
  • Calculated Today - the total number of calcs/events that have been evaluated from the beginning of the day
  • Calculated Total - the total number of calcs/events that have been evaluated since the start of the Calculation service

Calculation Status Panel

  • Last Modified - the date/time of when the calc/event was last modified
  • Enabled - True or False, if the calc/event is running
  • State
    • Idle
    • Waiting to Start
    • Waiting for Sender Session
    • Validating
    • Checking for Dependencies
    • Waiting on Dependencies
    • Initializing
    • Backfilling
    • Live Mode
    • Stopping
    • Error
    • Events Database Unavailable
  • Started Running At - the date/time of when the calc/event started running
  • Run Time - the amount of time the calc/event has been running
  • AssetPath * - the source view name along with any subnodes of where the asset is located
  • AssetType * - the name of the asset type selected from the asset path
  • Number of Assets * - the total number of assets discovered given the selected asset type
  • Active Assets * - the number of assets that have outputted a value since the start of the calculation
  • Init & Backfill Time - the amount of time the calc/event was in an Initialization and Backfill state upon starting
  • Total Output Tags - the total number of tags the calculation outputs
  • Total TVQ's Stored - the total number of TVQ's (timestamp, value, quality) or updates stored since the start of the calculation
  • Total Properties Stored - the total number of properties stored since the start of the calculation
  • Total Evaluations Made - the total number of times the calc has been triggered to run
  • Last Evaluation Was At - the actual date/time of when the calc/event last evaluated
  • Last Evaluation Timestamp - the date/time linked to the last evaluation
  • Evaluations In The Last Minute - the total number of evaluations within the last minute (Now - 1 minute)
  • Events In Progress ** - the total number of events that are currently in progress
  • New Events Since Start ** - the total number of events that have occurred since the event started
  • Total Events in Database ** - the total number of events stored in the database
  • TVQs In The Last Minute - the total number of TVQs (timestamp, value, quality) that have been outputted in the last minute (Now - 1 minute)
  • Last Live Mode Evaluation Time - the amount of time it took the Calculations service to evaluate the last value
  • Avg Live Mode Evaluation Time - the average amount of time it has taken the Canary service to do each evaluation since the calc started
  • Max Live Mode Evaluation Time - the max amount of time it has taken the Canary service to do an evaluation since the calc started


Calc/Events Table


    • Start/Stop - start and stop the calc/event
    • Edit - opens a window to edit the calc/event. (Double-clicking on the row will also allow the user to edit the calc/event.)
    • Copy - makes a copy of the calc/event
    • Delete - deletes the calc/event. (User will be prompted if they want to also delete the historical data associated with the calc/event.)
  • EVENTS - a "bell" icon will appear in this column for any configured event. Clicking the bell will open a new screen showing all of the current/historical events stored in the database.

  • STATE - the state in which the calc/event is in
    • Idle
    • Waiting to Start
    • Waiting for Sender Session
    • Validating
    • Checking for Dependencies
    • Waiting on Dependencies
    • Initializing
    • Backfilling
    • Live Mode
    • Stopping
    • Error
    • Events Database Unavailable
  • NAME - a unique name of the calc/event. Calcs/events can be filtered by this name using the search bar at the top of the table.

  • TAGS - total number of tags that have been outputted since the calc last started

  • RUNNING SINCE - date/time of when the calc/event started running

  • LAST EVALUATION - date/time of when the calc/event was last evaluated

  • LAST TVQ - date/time of last TVQ (timestamp, value, quality) that was outputted by the calc

  • ASSETPATH * - source view and path of an asset-based calc/event

  • ASSETTYPE * - name of the asset used in conjunction with the asset path for an asset-based calc/event

*These fields are only applicable if the calc/event is asset-based. Assets must be defined within a Virtual View of the Canary Views service.

**These fields are only applicable for events.

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