Golden Batch Events/Trends
A common use of historical data is that of a Golden Batch. This represents the best case for the manufacturing of a product. When there is an issue in a batch, the data collected during its manufacture is compared to the data from the golden batch.
I am working on an application where a client will enter both a Job Number and Product SKU at the beginning of a production run. These will be historiated as string values. I would like to be able to search for this run by entering the Job Number of Product SKU. The Job Number would be unique while the SKU would likely occur many times. It is possible the Job Number might would be used multiple times.
From a functionality standpoint, the tool would return a list of time periods that matched the Job Number/SKU. The user would then select the period of interest which would then be visualized against the Golden Batch. The tool would also need to be able to identify/change the Golden Batch.
1 reply
Totally Agree -- this is a critical functionality for any "Batch-Oriented" manufacturing process, such as bioprocesses. As a former OsiSoft PI user -- I have grown very accustomed to this feature of their PIBatchView (in PI ProcessBook and the PIVBExcel add-in) functionality to allow users to quickly jump to their Batch Data. Enabling a more batch-centric user experience as requested above is a must have if you want to make significant inroads in the Life Sciences area.
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- Status On Roadmap
- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 203Views