Create a template of display
I have several sites with the same variable names. Only the site name changes. I'd like to create a display template where I only have to change the site name.…
Upgrading to >= V22.3.2 from V22.3.0 or V22.3.1 can potentially flood users' inboxes with previously orphaned Axiom reports
A bug was introduced in v22.3.0 which changed the naming convention of Axiom reports within the Axiom.sqlite database. Any previously configured reports became orphaned and no longer ran.…
Change Direction of NavigateSource List To Maintain Visibility
Right now, if you create a Button control and want to set the NavigateSource to another screen within the Application, the list of screens gets cut off if there are more than a few to choose from,…
- Released
Remember Scroll Position in Screen Tab Scroll Bar
Right now, if you have more screen tabs than can be shown along the top of an Axiom Application, there is a scroll bar to let you scroll to more screen tabs to the right.…
- Released
Autosave and Revert to Previous Version in Axiom
It would be really nice to autosave your work in Axiom. This could be set up globally or per user. And the autosave interval could be configured as well.…
Axiom Annotations - Access Control and Management
This feature request is for access control and management for the annotations within Canary Axiom. Currently, any and all users have the permission to create, update,…
Event Property Value for Beginning and End of Event
Is it possible to enhance events capability to include the option for the event property to capture a value at the event beginning, end, or both? Currently if you set the event property to a tag,…
- Released
Save controls when changing asset type in Asset Template
Right now, when you create an Asset Template with a specific asset type, then change that asset type, all controls inside of the Asset Template Panel get removed.…
Time-zones in chart URL parameter
Dear Canary team, It would be nice to be able to specify the timezone for the TimeEnd parameter in the Chart URL, similar to how the API format supports timezone format.
Axiom Script - Finding the Value of a Tag at a Given Time Using the DateTimePicker
The following code snippet can be used to update the AggregateStartTime of a ValueBox using the OnDateTimeChange function of the DateTimePicker. public void DateTimePicker1_OnDateTimeChange(object…
Error executing script on Scatter Plot
Hi Canarylabs teams, I would like to write a simple script, to control the "IsVisible" property of scatterplot by a button. But the script cannot execute, pls see the attached screenshot. Tks.
Bug in Trend Chart General Number Format Lower Limit
When setting the number format on a trend line, if the General number format is selected, the number of digits can be set to zero, but this triggers a bug where the application will not load and it…
Font is different on identical value box
Hi, I have a bunch of value boxes in an axiom application that point to different tags but they look different, some are darker that others. I can't find a settings in the valuebox's property to fix…
Allow showing more than 100 assets in Asset Template
It would be very useful to show more than 100 assets in an Asset Template. I understand that this is to prevent performance issues. So if possible, the maximum number of assets allowed could be an…
Filter Grid by Aggregate Kind
Add the ability to filter a grid using an aggregate kind. For instance, a grid showing an Alarm tag with the aggregate kind "CountInStateNonZero will show the number of times an alarm has occurred…
Trend Chart Aggregate Start Time
Is it possible to change the aggregate start time on trend charts? For example, I want to overlay the shift average for a tag on a trend chart that displays the the time average of the tag…
Scroll to Top button
On vertically long pages/tabs/screens, it would be nice to have a "Scroll Back to Top" button that we can press to go scroll up to the top.
Enable Opening CurrentWindow Navigation Links in a Separate Tab with a CTRL Click
Allow navigation links which are set to "currentWindow" in Axiom to still open in a new tab when they are CTRL clicked, similar to other hyperlinks online
Scatter Plot Control (version 23)
Properties Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script * AggregateInterval - the amount of time within each interval over which the data is processed using an 'AggregateKind' (e.g.…
Scatter Plot Control (version 25)
Properties *Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script AggregateInterval - the amount of time within each interval over which the data is processed using an AggregateKind (e.g.…
Scatter Plot Control (version 24)
Properties *Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script AggregateInterval - the amount of time within each interval over which the data is processed using an AggregateKind (e.g.…
Axiom - Have App reset data at a certain time
I am wanting to make an APP on Axiom that shows data during a certain shift. I want to show averages, totals, and current status on certain tags for the shift.…
Axiom and NAT/Port Forwarding
Hi All, Having an issue with loading the Axiom UI. Users connecting from outside the network are unable to load Axiom but it works fine for users on the network.…
Google Sheets Plugin
Add a plugin for Google Sheets.
Taking Axiom one step further than just trends and numbers.
These screenshots are examples of how we took advantage of the Canary Axiom application to display our treatment plant and remote stations similar to our HMI screens.…