"NullReferenceException" error

Hi Canarylabs teams,
I am trying the new function of ValueBox on Axiom, which names "Source calcultion". The function is working and easy to use. However, every time I re-open the application, there always show the warning "並未將物件參考設定為物件的執行個體", which mean "NullReferenceException" in English. How do I fix it?
On the other hands, the "NullReferenceException" issue also coming out when the script refer an object before it is defined. It will be clearer to have an example, pls see the attached picture and a test application.
By the way, the version of axiom that I installed is
Willis Lu
3 replies
Hi willis ,
This is a bug that has been resolved in a later release. I will send you a link to download the latest install then we can go from there.
willis ,
We looked at your script in the application. You need this snippet instead:
Label1.Text = tvq.ValueToString();
Steve Mason
The error was solved after changing the code to "tvq".
Thank you for your help!