v24 Axiom does not maintain imported Chart title
In Axiom v23, if you imported a Chart into a Trend Graph control in an application, the default title would be the path/name of the imported chart. If you do the same thing in v24,…
Dataset storage questions
I'm trying to understand how Canary 'knows' what tags it has. As far as I can tell, if a collector sends data for a tag name then that tag is created in the relevant dataset file for that day,…
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EventTable Download Option
Hi, I have created some event calculation and made some Event Properties to be calculated when the event trigger. Is there any option to send the event report to client with event property data.…
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Mapping Windows External Groups to Canary Group v24
We've installed a new v24 Canary server and I'd like to know if there is a way to map our existing Windows Groups to Canary Groups in Identity ahead of time? I was able to map one that I belong to,…
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Duration a Tag is Greater than a value
Hello, I am trying to create a calculation that will tell me the total time in the last 24 hours when a tag has a value greater than a set value (example 50) Has anyone done this already?…
Search Filter in MQTT Tags Working Correctly?
It seems to be ignoring slashes and auto-wildcard on spaces. You can see in this screenshot the tag path search does not match correctly. "BESSs/BESS 6/" seems to be converted to "*BESSs*BESS*6*"
Restrict Data Type in Data Entry Control
Is there a way to restrict values entered into a Data entry Control? For instance, I only want people to put a 0 or a 1.
Automatic sign in to Canary Admin when authenticated to Windows AD
With our v23 Canary install, launching Canary Admin while logged into our AD it automatically authenticates us to the app and we're not prompted to sign in.…
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MQTT payload includes ALL Tags of view, want to create one topic for each Tag
Hi. When i publish data coming from a view, using jsonmqtt, via publisher, i am getting one topic on the MQTT Server including all datapoints. Is there a configuration possibility to publish…
SQL connection issue for tag attributes in views configuration
I have a test installation with data in a SQL database that is already sending time-series data through the SQL collector. I'm trying to connect to the same DB in the Views configuration to pick up…
Pass Asset Type up to Dependent View
We have 2 business units, each with their own slightly different View. Then we have a 3rd View that combines them. From my testing, if I create an Asset Rule in a View,…
Need help with simple script to change IsVisible property
I am looking for some help with a simple script to set the IsVisible property of a Symbol. For instance, let's say The source of the Symbol1 is set to a value box (ValueBox1),…
Possible to Correct Timestamps?
One of our sites had an issue where it wasn't syncing to our NTP server properly for a few days so all our data for those days is in UTC time instead of local.…
Quality of PreviousValue
Is there a way to get the quality of the PreviousValue of a tag in Calc and Events. I try to use Quality('PreviousValue('[tag]')'), but I get an error for this.
Rollup calculation syntax
I'm trying to create a rollup calculation but I don't really understand he syntax and I can't find any examples. I have a virtual view with these asset types: one Company, with multiple Sites,…
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Backfill To vs Remove Old Data
How are Backfill To and Remove Old Data related? Below are the definitions from the documentation. So Backfill To will be leveraged anytime the calc is saved or the calc service is started up?…
Asset hierarchy definition help
I have a dataset populated by a CSV collector and I am trying to create a virtual view to put the tags into an asset hierarchy. The tag names are of the form CsvTag.<site>.…
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All valueboxes in a row getting time from a datetimepicker
Hi Today I have datetimepickers scripted towards valueboxes in a grid. One datetimepicker for each row in the grid. The grid as it is today is 7 columns and 20 rows.…
UFL collector fails to start
I have installed the UFL collector, following https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/m1y8gkj/how-to-configure-the-csv-collector-version-24 but after installation, the install folder looks different:…
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Events Table Optimization
We are trying to optimize performance of the Events and Event Properties table, is it advisable to add Indexing and table partitions to achieve this?
Calculations stuck in Backfilling
I have several calculations that are stuck in 'Backfilling' and never go to Live Mode. This obviously means calculations that depend on them can't start.…
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Unable to read from transport connection
Hi, Has anyone come across this Error "Error during Live Update: Unable to read data from the transport connection;An exsiting connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" What may be the cause…
Connecting v23 and v24 historians via Remote Historian View
We currently have two Canary servers, one v23 and one v24. Is it supported to set up Remote Historian Views on each server so that the Axiom instance on each can access the Views from the other? Or,…
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Continuously repeating "Validating File"
In our Messages log I'm seeing repeated instances of historian files trying to be validated, then terminated, then validated over and over. After it churns for a while,…
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Replacing NaN in ValueBox calculation
I'm looking for an easy way to replace NaN as displayed in a ValueBox when the underlying calculation is NaN. I was trying to use the Value Transform using an if statement,…
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