How To Display a Tag's Property in a ValueBox (version 23)
Instead of displaying a tag's value, timestamp, or quality in a ValueBox, the user may wish to display a property of the tag in the ValueBox. To do this,…
How To Display a Tag's Property in a ValueBox (version 24)
Instead of displaying a tag's value, timestamp, or quality in a ValueBox, the user may wish to display a property of the tag in the ValueBox. To do this,…
How To Display a Tag's Property in a ValueBox (version 25)
Instead of displaying a tag's value, timestamp, or quality in a ValueBox, the user may wish to display a property of the tag in the ValueBox. To do this,…
Automated Reports Overview (version 25)
There are two screens within the 'AUTOMATED REPORTS' menu: Viewer - displays all saved reports that have run Scheduler - allows the user to schedule a report to be run Viewer Screen Report Retention…
Automated Reports Overview (version 23)
There are two screens within the 'AUTOMATED REPORTS' menu: Viewer - displays all saved reports that have run Scheduler - allows the user to schedule a report to be run Viewer Screen Report Retention…
Automated Reports Overview (version 24)
There are two screens within the 'AUTOMATED REPORTS' menu: Viewer - displays all saved reports that have run Scheduler - allows the user to schedule a report to be run Viewer Screen Report Retention…
Axiom highlight area - Delta,Avg,Min,Max
Make a way so we can highlight an area and get the average, min, and max of it. (Just like getting the Delta of an area)
Axiom Tile (version 24)
Active Users - number of users connected to Axiom Active Sessions - number of open sessions CPU - amount of CPU the Axiom service is consuming License Users - number of Axiom licenses in use License…
Axiom Tile (version 23)
Licenses Screen The 'Licenses' screen displays any users who are currently connected to Axiom as well as any licenses that are reserved for specific users.…
Axiom Tile (version 25)
Active Users - number of users connected to Axiom Active Sessions - number of open sessions CPU - amount of CPU the Axiom service is consuming License Users - number of Axiom licenses in use License…
How To Build Ad Hoc Calculations (version 24)
The following controls have the option of linking their source to a tag or a calculation: Circular Gauge Donut Gauge Line Linear Gauge Panel Symbol Value Box When dropping the control onto the screen…
How To Build Ad Hoc Calculations (version 25)
The following controls have the option of linking their source to a tag or a calculation: Circular Gauge Donut Gauge Line Linear Gauge Panel Symbol Value Box When dropping the control onto the screen…
How To Build Ad Hoc Calculations (version 23)
The following controls have the option of linking their source to a tag or a calculation: Circular Gauge Donut Gauge Line Linear Gauge Panel Symbol Value Box When dropping the control onto the…
Applications, dashboards, reports..
What are the differences between applications, dashboards, and reports? How are collections of the above organized and exposed to end users? URLs? A menu or navigator, etc?
Millisecond resolution on timeshift and aggregate intervals
When sampling a lot of high-speed data, the resolution of 1 second on timeshifts and aggregate intervals are too restrictive. I'd like to see the possibility to do millisecond resolution on…
Data Table Control (version 23)
The 'Data Table' control displays raw or processed data (if an 'AggregateInterval' and 'AggregateKind' are specified). The most recent x (not to exceed 1000) rows of data are displayed unless a…
Data Table Control (version 24)
The Data Table control displays raw or processed data (if an AggregateInterval and AggregateKind are specified). The most recent x (not to exceed 1000) rows of data are displayed unless a TimeEnd is…
Data Table Control (version 25)
The Data Table control displays raw or processed data (if an AggregateInterval and AggregateKind are specified). The most recent x (not to exceed 1000) rows of data are displayed unless a TimeEnd is…
How to Change the Axiom Base Path Location (version 25)
Axiom's base path contains all of the files for users' charts, applications, and preferences. It also hosts the Axiom.sqlite database for Automated Reports.…
How to Change the Axiom Base Path Location (version 23)
Axiom's base path is the location in which all users' charts, applications, and preferences are stored. By default, this is located within the Axiom folder of the Canary Base Path, C:…
How to Change the Axiom Base Path Location (version 24)
Axiom's base path contains all of the files for users' charts, applications, and preferences. It also hosts the Axiom.sqlite database for Automated Reports.…
Customize Support Link on Axiom Error Page
Right now, the error page in Axiom shows a small link at the bottom right "Need Help? Contact Support". The link takes users to a new email sending to support@canarylabs.com.…
Axiom Application URL Parameters for Playback
Adding URL parameters to Axiom Applications to control playback would allow us to send a link to a specific Axiom Application at a specific time, much like with the URL parameters for Charts.…
User Options (version 24)
Clicking on the username in the top-right corner of the chart will present the user with 2 options: Preferences Logout Preferences The PREFERENCES menu allows the user to change the Theme, Time Zone,…
User Options (version 23)
Clicking on the username in the top-right corner of the chart will present the user with 3 options: Download App... Preferences... Logout Download App By clicking on 'Download App...…