Axiom Tile (version 25)

  • Active Users - number of users connected to Axiom

  • Active Sessions - number of open sessions

  • CPU - amount of CPU the Axiom service is consuming

  • License Users - number of Axiom licenses in use

  • License Expiration - date when license will expire if using a demo or subscription license. Perpetual licenses are set to never expire.

  • Version - versioning number of the Axiom service


Sessions Screen

The Sessions screen displays all of the open Axiom sessions in use. Selecting a session and clicking the TERMINATE SESSION button will release the license and kick the user out of Axiom.

  • USER – Canary User name of the user currently using Axiom
  • PID – process ID of the session
  • CPU % - percentage of the computer’s CPU that the session is using
  • DURATION – amount of time the session has been running
  • FILE – chart or application open in the session
  • CULTURE – culture information of the user
  • TIMEZONE – time zone of the user running the session
  • BROWSER – information of the web browser the session is running on

Usage Screen

The Usage screen displays the history of clients and the applications that have been opened within the last 90 days. This screen updates once a minute.

  • COLUMN VISIBILITY - opens a new window to show/hide columns in the USAGE table

  • SESSION - unique session ID that is created when an application is opened
  • USER - domain and username
  • USER TOKEN - unique user ID that is created when a user logs in. A user token could be associated with multiple session ID's.
  • CLIENT - information of the web browser the session is using. Automated Reports will show as impersonated user in this column.
  • APPLICATION - name of application or chart that is opened
  • START - Date/Time of when the application was opened
  • END - Date/Time of when the application was closed
  • PROCESS TIME - amount of time the application has spent utilizing the CPU. This does not include other services such as Views or Historian which play a role in supplying the application with data.

Configuration Screen


  • gRPC Admin (55001) - endpoint used specifically by the local Admin service for configuring settings and requesting status information
  • Web Server (443) - endpoint used to connect to Axiom securely through https. If needing to change the port number, the new port number must be included with the url when connecting (e.g. https://AxiomServerName:8080)


By default, Canary generates a self-signed certificate for its services that require a secure connection. These can be reconfigured if wishing to use a different certificate that has been installed on the server. Clicking the INFO button will open a new window displaying the certificate's details.

  • Kind - the kind of certificate the Axiom service is configured to use
    • SelfSignedCertificate - this is the default certificate that Canary uses. It is stored in the Local Computer\Personal store.
    • Certificate - use this option if wishing to upload your own certificate. Doing so will present more options to configure.

      • Store Name - local computer store name where the certificate is installed
      • Find Type - criteria by which the Axiom service searches for the certificate
        • FindBySubjectName
        • FindByThumbprint
        • FindByTemplateName
  • Subject Name - set to default if using the SelfSignedCertificate option. Otherwise, the value of the Subject, Thumbprint, or Template name if using the Certificate setting.

If wishing to make Axiom publicly accessible over the internet, a valid certificate from a trusted CA must be installed.



  • Kind - database that Axiom will use to store report jobs, audit logs, and other Axiom data
    • SQLite - data will be stored in a local SQlite database
      • Path - filepath of the SQLite database. Default location is C:\ProgramData\Canary\Axiom\Axiom.sqlite. If needing to change the filepath, ensure the new path is appended with the SQLite file name, "...\Axiom.sqlite".
    • MSSQL - data will be stored in an external MSSQL database

      • Server - name of the server where the MSSQL database is located
      • Database Name - name of the database where the Axiom service will store its information
      • Integrated Security - if checked, the Axiom service will connect to the database using the account on which the Identity service is running
      • Is Domain User - determines if the configured user is a domain user
      • User/Password - credentials of the user that has read/write access to the database
      • TEST - tests the connection to the database using the provided credentials.


  • Identity API Token - token used for Axiom to communicate with the Identity service in order to impersonate a user when running Automated Reports. Only needed if Axiom is installed remotely from the Identity service. See Identity - API Tokens for more details.


  • User Data - path where user files for Axiom applications and charts are stored. Default location is C:\ProgramData\Canary\Axiom.
  • Web Root - path where web files for Axiom are stored. Default location is C:\Program Files\Canary\Axiom\wwwroot.

