Trend Chart Aggregate Start Time

Is it possible to change the aggregate start time on trend charts? For example, I want to overlay the shift average for a tag on a trend chart that displays the the time average of the tag throughout the shift. However, the our shifts run from 6AM-6PM and the 12 hour aggregate runs from 12AM-12PM.


I thought about using a value box to just display the shift aggregate value, but the tag I am using in the trend chart is calculated from multiple tags and I didn't see a way to do that calculation with the value box. If there's a way to do this I'd be curious to know too.

1 reply

    • smason
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi ltorack ,

    The trend chart does not permit you to choose the start time for the aggregate interval. If you wanted to show the average on the trend chart from 6am-6pm, you would need to create a calc in the Canary Admin that finds this average, then display that tag on the chart.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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