How To Build Ad Hoc Calculations (version 25)

The following controls have the option of linking their source to a tag or a calculation:

  • Circular Gauge
  • Donut Gauge
  • Line
  • Linear Gauge
  • Panel
  • Symbol
  • Value Box

When dropping the control onto the screen the user will be prompted with the following menu where they can choose to link it to a tag or build a calculation.

If CHOOSE TAG is selected the user will be redirected to the SOURCE TAG menu where they can browse for their tag. If BUILD CALCULATION is selected the CALCULATE CONTROL menu will appear where the user can configure the desired expression similar to that seen in Axiom's Charts when creating a calculated trend.

The user is initially presented with a tree diagram showing each control and their parent containers. Click a control linked to a source tag to add it to the Equation window at the top.

A function menu containing basic trig and mathematical operations is available by selecting the (sigma) button. A keypad is also available, but the Equation window will accept key strokes if it has focus.

