Aggregate Interval Picker
I have 2 x DateTime pickers that return the start and end values of motor run hours correctly in 2 x Value Boxes. I need to either:- Subtract ValueBox1 From ValueBox2 and put results into ValueBox3…
Font is different on identical value box
Hi, I have a bunch of value boxes in an axiom application that point to different tags but they look different, some are darker that others. I can't find a settings in the valuebox's property to fix…
Value Box, Grid Or Panel With User Selectable Start and End Time
I have managed to find my way around a lot of tasks and requirements in Axiom but I still seem to be struggling with something I believe should be simple (FLW!!!!…
Inconsistent Vector Size When Writing Historical Data
Hey Guys, I'm fairly new to Canary, and I'm struggling to understand how Vectors work. The only documentation I found says the Vector size should be based on data type.…
Administrator unable to connect to endpoint(s)
Hello All the Canary administrator is no longer connected to the local host. Yesterday the power to shut off to the entire facility was including modems and computers.…
Calculation with notification sends email.
I have a calculation setup with an event that will send an email based on an event start and end trigger. I do the calculation every 30s. Then I check the average value over the last hour and check…
Trend Chart Aggregate Start Time
Is it possible to change the aggregate start time on trend charts? For example, I want to overlay the shift average for a tag on a trend chart that displays the the time average of the tag…
Using the iFrame Control to display a Wi-Fi WebCam
Hello, I've set up an old iPhone to use as an IP Web Cam. I'm using DroidCam on the iPhone. From a Web Browser on the machine that runs Canary, I can easily access the page using the following…
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Storing MQTT SparkplugB Dataset Objects
Hi! We're testing Canary and the MQTT Collector towards a MQTT broker were most of our data is sent as SparkplugB messages. Regular SparkplugB messages are automatically picked up and stored in the…
Issues with Publisher crashing on start.
I'm seeing a problem where Canary starts up but the publisher immediately crashes. When I look at the event viewer I see the following as a .Net runtime error: Application: CanaryPublisher.…
Trend Chart Start Time Control
If I have multiple trend charts on a screen, is it possible to connect all of them to a single Date/Time picker so all the charts always show the same time range?
Axiom - Have App reset data at a certain time
I am wanting to make an APP on Axiom that shows data during a certain shift. I want to show averages, totals, and current status on certain tags for the shift.…
Interpolation of trends
I am a new user to Axiom, but it appears that it doesn't interpolate when drawing trends. The result is that I am getting sawtooth trends as I zoom into data.…
How edit an email on Event Trigger?
Hi. I need edit a body of e-mail, that will send, when event was triggered. But in the screen that I create the event I don't have a button "EDIT EMAIL"(the side of Notify Email).…
Axiom and NAT/Port Forwarding
Hi All, Having an issue with loading the Axiom UI. Users connecting from outside the network are unable to load Axiom but it works fine for users on the network.…
Expecting Zero Warning
My message log contains a lot of these warnings: What do they mean? Will this cause issues for the historian?
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Problem rounding in OPC DA Collector
I'm having issues using the "Round" function in "Data Transform" in OPC DA Canary Logger Administrator (Canary version 22). I have tried things like Round(x,…
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Loggers Stops sending data
Hi, I have the version installed in two different machines, but I have a problem of receiving data from one of them. In the CanaryAdministrator/Logger,…
Can't log in to Axiom
I am trying to log in to AXIOM, but when I do so I see the following message: Oops. A problem occurred Failed to obtain session token. See error log for details.…
Change time axis on every trend graph in Axiom application?
Hi! Does anyone know if there is a native way to change the timestamp axis on every graph in an Axiom application at once? I have multiple graphs in an app and it would be nice to zoom in to a…
Applications, dashboards, reports..
What are the differences between applications, dashboards, and reports? How are collections of the above organized and exposed to end users? URLs? A menu or navigator, etc?
Command line install?
Is there a command line installer available for Canary? I am needing commands to install Canary with specific components, if possible, to work with our configuration management software. Thanks
Showing Value as Text
I have a tag (integer) that is 0 - 9; I want to show a text for the value itself. Such as, '0' as OFF, '1' as ON, '2' as FAULT, etc. Is there a formatting option for ValueBox like this?
Trigger Webservice/API call when tag value changes
Not sure we need/want this but checking our options..... We have a packing line connected to Canary. There is a photo eye on that line towards the end.…
Connecting directly to ControlLogix PLC without OPC
Hi All! We need to run a small automated report on an AB 1756-L81E (ControlLogix) on Axiom. There is no OPC UA server, and we would like to access the data without it.…
- Answered
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