Controlled User Data Entry
It would be fantastic if there was a user data entry control where the Axiom developer could define the allowable selections for user data from a dropdown list for committing into the historian.…
Spark Chart Duration Label
It would be nice to have a label that can be enabled/disabled that can show the duration for the spark chart component. For instance, if it's set to a 1 hour duration,…
Auto select time period based on tag value for batch
This may be the same thing (or part of it) that was suggested here: https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/g9hgphz/golden-batch-eventstrends just in case though...…
- Answered
Axiom not showing Data Entry feature
We updated to Axiom and are trying to use the data entry tool for a few tags. I am not seeing the data entry control whenever I go to create a application on Axiom
Get All Child Events in Axiom
Hello Everyone I need to retrieve all the events of an asset in Axiom, specifically for the child assets. I mean, I have Parent01, Parent02, etc., and for each ParentXX I have 10 child assets,…
Copy and paste to different screen
I require multiple screens within a dashboard on Axiom. Each screen requires the same information/visuals, just with different data sources. It would be great if I could copy all the visuals from one…
- Released
Value Box Limit Comparison to another tag should allow for range (e.g. actual within +/- 5 of set point)
We have 2 tags: Speed Actual and Speed Set Point. We have a value box on an Axiom Application showing the speed. It would be nice if we could use the existing limit options to make that box green or…
Axiom Trend Graph
My tag output oscillates between the integers 0 and 1. Is there a way to view the historical data in Axiom without a line connecting the data points? Currently I am trying to manipulate a trend to…
Scatter Plot for a single tag over time series
Can scatter plots be created using a single tag over the timestamps of the tag? Alternatively, if trending can be configured to not display a line, that would effectively create a scatter plot.…
Application Shortcuts (version 24)
Copy/Paste Controls and screens can be copied (Ctrl+C) and pasted (Ctrl+V) from one application to another. Undo/Redo The back and forward arrow at the top of the application screen are used to undo…
Application Shortcuts (version 25)
Copy/Paste Controls and screens can be copied (Ctrl+C) and pasted (Ctrl+V) from one application to another. Undo/Redo The back and forward arrow at the top of the application screen are used to undo…
Transferring Axiom Licenses
One site is using up their axiom licenses for their canary server while the other has axiom licenses available that consistently aren't being used. Is it possible to transfer axiom licenses between…
Timer in Axiom
We had a plant ask: I want to add a tag to my dashboard that starts a timer after a stop so that if the line is stopped, you can see on the dashboard how long it has been down.…
- Answered
Axiom OnClick Open Application
Good Afternoon All, In Axiom, I have custom icons (png) that I have scripted for OnClick, open a tab in the same application. This works great but would also like to know if there is a way to script…
Using Axiom for Line Display
I want to use Axiom to show live time progress above production lines. Ideally, they will be on 24/7 and reset data at shift change Is there any issues with Axiom timing out if it is up on a screen…
Change Color of Control Based on Quality of Tag
I need to get a quick overview on multiple tags to see if they are logging data or not, so I want the controller to turn red when it is offline. I'm trying to change the color of my donut gauge when…
Add tooltips to label or value box controls
Add a tooltip text field to label and/or value box controls that show the text when you hover over the control with your mouse
Positioning datetimes and floating labels outside of a trend?
I like that my bar chart has the datetimes outside of the chart. However, my trends clip the datetime with the graph and floating labels. Is it also possible to have the floating label to the left of…
Cannot zoom Axiom application without mouse
It would be hugely helpful to be able to trigger a zoom page width command on Axiom Application page load (same behavior as clicking in the bottom right).…
Cannot zoom Axiom application without mouse
It would be hugely helpful to be able to trigger a zoom page width command on Axiom Application page load (same behavior as clicking in the bottom right).…
Enable rolling calculations
Currently all windowed calculations use a fixed window. The start and end time of the window are fixed in time. So if you apply the time average filter this leads to a graphs with steps.…
How to manage assets with automated reports
Hi, Im looking for a way to make a report from axiom based in the assets instances. Specifically i manage my screens in my app by assets, so i only make one screen that changes data based on the…
Min/Max/Avg of selected section in trend chart (like we can do with delta)
The delta cursor mode is great. Is there a way to do the same for min/max/avg? I guess one option is using cursor mode = zoom and then clicking statistics after zooming but I wanted to see if there…
- Answered
Add cursor option for min/max/avg like we have for delta
The delta cursor mode is great. It would be nice if there was a way to do the same for min/max/avg. Our current workaround is using cursor mode = zoom and then clicking statistics after zooming…
Axiom Event Table Control Needs More Rows
Currently your Events Table Control in Axiom only allows for up to 100 rows of events to be displays in a dashboard. Our pharmaceutical customers rely on this table to show them critical event data,…