Event duration sum

Hi, is there a way to total all the durations of an event that occurred within a time period. For example, I have an event triggered for downtime of equipment and I'd like to sum up the total downtime for the week. The event table in Axiom provides the duration for each event within a time period, however they can't be totaled.

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    • smason
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi ,

    How are you measuring downtime? Is there a single tag that indicates this, or is it a combination of tags that determine downtime? One possibility is to output a Boolean tag along with the event. So when the event is occurring, the tag is True. Then within Axiom, you could display the duration of total events in a ValueBox using this tag in conjunction with the DurationInStateNonZero aggregate. Set your aggregate interval to one week and the aggregate start time to the beginning of the week. This aggregate outputs milliseconds so you could use the ValueTransform property to convert into some other unit of time.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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