Duplicating Application Screens

Is there a way to duplicate a screen in an application so that you do not have to replicate the layout every time? Since there is a function for duplicating controls on the screen, is this something that can also be done for application screens?

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    • Steve Mason
    • smason
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi mcewenc ! It is on our roadmap to include this functionality https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/q6hkbpp/planned-development. In the meantime, if you have access to where the applications are stored on the server ( C:\ProgramData\Canary Labs\Axiom\Applications) you could edit the AxiomApp2 file under the covers to duplicate a screen. These files are in a JSON format.

    • mcewenc
    • mcewenc
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Steve!

    • mcewenc
    • mcewenc
    • 1 yr ago
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    Steve Mason Any update on this feature?

    • Hi mcewenc ,

      Not at this time. Development is currently in the process of pushing our software to run on Linux which has caused some of these features to be delayed.

  • Steve Mason , can this be marked as released? I see a copy option in v24.

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