Highlight Selected Trend(s)

We've got some use cases where users want to add a bunch of trends to a Trend Chart and have them all in the same band. This is so they can overlay the trends and see how they react in relation so each other. You could have them in different bands, but it's easier to visualize interaction if they're on top of each other.

But, if you add many trends to a band, it's just a jumbled mess and you can't see anything. It would be nice to highlight or isolate a trend or group of trends so they stand out from the noise. Right now the only way to do that is right-click, check the trend boxes, and hide them - it's too cumbersome to use for rapid troubleshooting.

Is it possible to have a way to highlight a trend? I'm thinking you click on it in the Legend and it comes to the foreground and is bolded.

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