MQTT Collector Tile (version 25)
Groups - number of connection groups that are running Connections - number of connection groups that are connected Tags - total number of tags the Collector is subscribed to TVQ/sec - total number…
Licenses Tile (version 25)
Canary Historian - the total number of tags the historian is licensed for Canary Views - the total number of Read API clients Views is licensed for Canary Historian ODBC - displays "Licensed" if…
Identity Tile (version 25)
Total Users – total number of internal Canary users created within the Identity service Active Users – total number of Canary users who are currently logged in to a Canary application (Canary Admin,…
Publisher Tile (version 25)
Enabled - number of sessions running Connected - number of sessions connected to their destination Tags - total number of tags being published Assets - number of assets being published (only…
Axiom scripting class reference
I've been playing with scripting in Axiom and I'm wondering if there is documentation of the classes available, eg properties for all the control objects that can be put on the screen.…
Add Intellisense to Axiom scripting
Most modern development environments include Intellisense in their code editing windows. This would be massively helpful when dealing with unfamiliar classes.
Connecting Canary to Power BI (version 23)
This article will take you through the process of reading data out of the Historian and into Power BI using Canary's web API. In the 2 examples below, we are connecting to the anonymous endpoint…
Historian Raw Float Precision
Hello! We are trying to understand why we are observing a lack of precision in our raw float values. Our data source is Ignition with Cirrus Link MQTT. In most cases,…
- Answered
Raw Export Returning Duplicate Rows
When using Axiom to raw export 3 tags we are getting duplicated rows for two of the tags but not the other. Is this a result of trying to perform a raw export for multiple tags, a known issue?…
Writing Data to the Historian Using Canary's APIs (version 23)
The .NET APIs that Canary's own suite of data collectors use to prepare data for the Sender Service are publicly exposed for your own use. This enables you to create custom data collection that uses…
Using the Canary Admin Client (version 24)
The Canary Admin application is a central management tool designed to allow system administrators to manage an entire Canary solution from a single application.…
Using the Canary Admin Client (version 25)
The Canary Admin client is a central management tool designed to allow system administrators to manage an entire Canary solution from a single application.…
Value Box AggregateInterval/AggregateStartTime Configuration
What is the best way to configure AggregateInterval and AggregateStartTime to accurately display the current shift's total production and current total load count?…
Screen Height and Width Dimensions Templates
Are there templates when sizing and choosing height and width based on device I want to display it on. For example, what would be the optimal height and width screen size if I want to create an…
Safe Direct Modification of MQTT Tag SQLite DB?
Can we safely modify the MQTT Tag SQLite database directly with proper precautions? We’re looking to implement a script that processes a CSV file of tags that need to be historized or removed,…
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Release V25.0
REQUEST UPGRADE Built on Windows Server 2019 Standard MSBuild v17.0 MSI: Wix v1.14.2 Released on: 3/3/2025 If .NET Framework 4.7.1 or greater is not present on the system,…
Ignition - Backfill data from SQL database
We are hoping to use Canary historian for our existing Ignition system but are concerned about access to our existing data. Does anyone know if there's an accepted way to backfill existing data from…
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Remote Historian/Views/Architecture Options
I have multiple historians and a remote Axiom server. Is it better for Axiom to be pointed at a local Views instance which is connected to the remote historians,…
CygNet Collector Tile (version 24)
Divisions - number of sites the Collector is connected to Tags - number of tags being logged TVQs - number of updates that have been logged in the last hour Version - versioning number of the CygNet…
CygNet Collector Tile (version 25)
Divisions - number of sites the Collector is connected to Tags - number of tags being logged TVQs - number of updates that have been logged in the last hour Version - versioning number of the CygNet…
Tag Editing in Charts
Add the ability to edit the source tag in charts (be able to type/edit in the selected trends section of the edit trends popup)
Basic web API usage
I'm trying to write a little tool to put data into Canary tags through the Web API but am hitting my lack of knowledge on such things. Looking at the endpoints in the Identity tile,…
- Answered
Count Daily events
I have a system with a tag that produces 3 values: UP DOWN NoData And I want to count the number of times (within a day) the tag value switches from UP to DOWN or from NoData to UP.…
- Answered
CygNet Collector Tile (version 25)
Divisions - number of sites the Collector is connected to Tags - number of tags being logged TVQs - number of updates that have been logged in the last hour Version - versioning number of the CygNet…
CygNet Collector Tile (version 24)
Divisions - number of sites the Collector is connected to Tags - number of tags being logged TVQs - number of updates that have been logged in the last hour Version - versioning number of the CygNet…