James Wise
Goal: Axiom dashboard with expected quantity for week to date or other time periods
What do we have: A tag that tells us when an operator is logged on or not A tag that tells us what material the machine is running at that time A file with ideal rate per material A calculation I…
Events Table Control - Option for duration column to not include milliseconds
In the Events Table control in Axiom when we include the duration column, it includes milliseconds. It would be nice if we had formatting options where we could just have hh:mm:…
Field labels in Canary Excel Add-In difficult to read with "Dark Gray" office theme
This might be more of an MS Office issue than it is Canary where Excel doesn't use the write label text color to play nicely with the Dark Gray office theme but I noticed it looked like this (white…
Scripting value box property changes with an asset template
I have some controls at the top where users can select a date and shift. I have scripting on the controls to update the aggregateinterval and aggregatestarttime on some value boxes.…
Cross Reference Table to turn operator id number into name
We have a tag with the numeric employee number of the operator on the machine. We have a simple table (e.g. Excel file) with columns for that number and the employee name.…
- Answered
Removing commas from string values shown as numbers
I have a tag that is setup as a string but in Events in Canary shown in Axiom using an event table control, it is shown with commas. Is there a way to setup my event property calculation or…
Better visibility within Canary of MQTT Sparkplug B Messages
With OPC DA and UA, Canary's tools (e.g. logger administrator and Canary Admin, OPC collector tile) allow us to see incoming data nicely. For MQTT though, I feel this is somewhat less the case.…
Problem rounding in OPC DA Collector
I'm having issues using the "Round" function in "Data Transform" in OPC DA Canary Logger Administrator (Canary version 22). I have tried things like Round(x,…
- Answered
Trigger Webservice/API call when tag value changes
Not sure we need/want this but checking our options..... We have a packing line connected to Canary. There is a photo eye on that line towards the end.…