Cross Reference Table to turn operator id number into name

We have a tag with the numeric employee number of the operator on the machine. We have a simple table (e.g. Excel file) with columns for that number and the employee name. We would like to have a tag with the employee name. I know one way of handling this would be a calculation in Canary using the switch function but then as new employees are added, that calculation has to be updated. I'm not sure that's a problem but just wondering if there might be a better recommendation for handling something like this. 

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  • Perhaps consume a csv file using the CSV Collector that would have that information?

    • Steve Mason Yes, I was thinking I might do that. Not sure about the join though or keeping it maintained

    • James Wise Yeah, you still run into the maintaining issue. I'm not sure how to get around that.

    • Steve Mason let's not worry about maintaining. Any thoughts on how I could join the data to have a tag that will give me the operator name based on the operator number and a lookup?

  • Do the names need to be historized? If not, you could use embedded "if" statements within an Axiom application using the ValueTransform property of a ValueBox. Therein, it's only available within that particular application. If you need it elsewhere, creating the calc is probably a better option.

    • Steve Mason Thank's Steve, I have something setup for this now. I think there could be room for improvement but good for now and will see how it goes.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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