Calc & Events Status Screen (version 24)
Status Panel - displays metrics for the entire Calculation service Calculation Status Panel - displays metrics for the highlighted calc/event Search Bar - filters the calc/events table based on the…
Calc & Events Settings Screen (version 23)
Service Settings Delayed Start Time (seconds) - a general delay from when the service starts until calculations/events are evaluated Destination Historians - a comma delimited list of historian…
Calculation Group Status Screen (version 23)
The Calculation Group Status screen is where users can create and configure calculations and/or events. Multiple calcs/events can be outputted from a single calc group provided they are independent…
Calculation Group Status Screen (version 24)
The Calculation Group Status screen is where users can create and configure calculations and/or events. Multiple calc tags can be outputted from a single calc group provided they are independent of…
Calculation Server Methodology (version 25)
The Calculation Service is a useful tool for adding additional context to your historical tag data. System administrators use the Calc Service to create new calculated tags that are derived from a…
Calculation Server Methodology (version 23)
The Calculation Server is a useful tool for adding additional context to your historical tag data. System administrators use the the Calc Server to create new calculated tags that are derived from a…
Calculation Server Methodology (version 24)
The Calculation Server is a useful tool for adding additional context to your historical tag data. System administrators use the the Calc Server to create new calculated tags that are derived from a…
Calcs & Events: 201
The second of a series of three coaching sessions designed to teach you how to use the Calcs & Events service.
User Experience on the Latest Version 21.4.0.-273
Hello everyone, Anyone here who has upgraded their system to this latest version? Have you experienced/noticed some bugs/issues on it? Kinldy share it to us.…
Calcs & Events: 101
The first of a series of three coaching sessions designed to teach you how to use the Calcs & Events service.
More Responsive Calculations View in Canary Admin
When viewing the Status tab of the Calculations tile in Canary Admin, the view often freezes for a few seconds between refreshes of the data. With remote connections with low bandwidth,…
- Released
Bar Chart Calculated Trend
A calculated trend would be a nice feature to add to the Bar Chart component, as we have in the Trend Chart. Even if it's not the exact same functionality (as I understand you don't want to…
- In review