MQTT Collector Admin Crashes When Adding Filter
Hello, When adding a filter to the MQTT Collector while following Data Logging - Project Boot Camp - Canary Community (canarylabs.com), the application crashes when selecting the "+" icon next to…
Automatic sign in to Canary Admin when authenticated to Windows AD
With our v23 Canary install, launching Canary Admin while logged into our AD it automatically authenticates us to the app and we're not prompted to sign in.…
- Answered
WriteAPI - Method not implemented"
Tried to implement /getSessionToken (Storage Methods) by passing request as Request : { "userToken": "90e1f3a6-7c37-4366-99c4-bc539b4978e123", "historians": [ "MACHINENAME" ], "clientId": "Test",…
Allow for Additional Certificate Find Types
Right now, Axiom only allows for two of the possible X509FindTypes when configuring Axiom to use HTTPS. It would be helpful to be able to choose FindByTemplateName as the Find Type instead.…
- Released
Canary Admin Default Target
Hi, I have the Canary Admin Client installed on my laptop, without the Admin Service. 99% of the time, I need to connect to the Historian node and the rest to a fleet of S+F collectors.…
Event Property Value for Beginning and End of Event
Is it possible to enhance events capability to include the option for the event property to capture a value at the event beginning, end, or both? Currently if you set the event property to a tag,…
- Released
How to Configure the Canary Admin to Require Authentication for Local Admins (version 22)
By default, the Canary Admin allows anonymous access for local users via the 'Net.Pipe' endpoint. If wishing to restrict local admin access, simply uncheck this box.…
How to Configure the Canary Admin to Require Authentication for Local Admins (version 23)
By default, the Canary Admin allows anonymous access for local users via the 'Net.Pipe' endpoint. If wishing to restrict local admin access, simply uncheck this box.…
The Administrator may have had a problem connecting with the Identity Service.
I am new here, just completed the install. When i run the Canary Admin, I have this error says: The Administrator may have had a problem connecting with the Identity Service.…
Minor: Stuck When Launching Canary Admin Too Early
This is a very minor issue, but if you launch Canary Admin a little too early (ie. while the Canary services are still starting), you end up in a window with greyed-out panes and a red error message…
Transferring Axiom Licenses
One site is using up their axiom licenses for their canary server while the other has axiom licenses available that consistently aren't being used. Is it possible to transfer axiom licenses between…
How to deploy Canary as Kubernetes cluster?
Hi All, Is there a way to deploy Canary as Kubernetes cluster? or does it support multi tenancy ??
Add ability to test event trigger emails while editing them
In order to make sure formatting is correct before the alert goes live
Inconsistent Vector Size When Writing Historical Data
Hey Guys, I'm fairly new to Canary, and I'm struggling to understand how Vectors work. The only documentation I found says the Vector size should be based on data type.…
Admin crashes when trying to add a user to an Access list
The Canary Admin crashes when trying to add a user/group to an Access list in the Admin. The following errors are logged in Windows Event Viewer: Log Name: Application Source: .…
Data Reaching Logger Admin but Not Downstream
I have data successfully reaching Logger Administrator, but the data is not appearing in Trendlink or Axiom. Licensed tag limit is not exceeded. Currently running version…
More Responsive Calculations View in Canary Admin
When viewing the Status tab of the Calculations tile in Canary Admin, the view often freezes for a few seconds between refreshes of the data. With remote connections with low bandwidth,…
- Released
How to Configure the Canary Admin to Require Authentication for Local Admins (version 23)
By default, the Canary Admin allows anonymous access for local users via the 'Net.Pipe' endpoint. If wishing to restrict local admin access, simply uncheck this box.…
Historian Tile (version 24)
DataSets - number of DataSets configured in the Historian Licensed Tags - number of tags consuming a tag license CPU - amount of CPU the Historian service is using Handles (R/W) - number of tags…
Licenses Tile (version 24)
Canary Historian - total number of tags the Historian is licensed for Canary Views - total number of Read API clients Views is licensed for Canary Historian ODBC - displays "Licensed" if licensed…
Canary Administrator - Side by Side installs
When performing new version testing it would be helpful to be able to install the new version of Canary Administrator along side the old version. This would enable access to both the old and new…
Allow showing more than 100 assets in Asset Template
It would be very useful to show more than 100 assets in an Asset Template. I understand that this is to prevent performance issues. So if possible, the maximum number of assets allowed could be an…
Historian Tile (version 22)
The 'Historian' tile contains configuration settings for the datasets that reside within the historian where the raw data is stored. Each dataset can have its own unique settings.…
Historian Tile (version 24)
DataSets - number of DataSets configured in the Historian Licensed Tags - number of tags consuming a tag license CPU - amount of CPU the Historian service is using Handles (R/W) - number of tags…
Historian Tile (version 23)
The 'Historian' tile contains configuration settings for the DataSets that reside within the historian where the raw data is stored. Each dataset can have its own unique settings.…