Minor: Stuck When Launching Canary Admin Too Early

This is a very minor issue, but if you launch Canary Admin a little too early (ie. while the Canary services are still starting), you end up in a window with greyed-out panes and a red error message at the top.

There's unfortunately nothing you seem to be able to do at that point - the app simply dead-ends. It's still 'working' (still responds to Windows messages), but there's literally nothing to do and no in-app method of resolving the issue.

It would be nice if there was some form of 'refresh' button so that you don't have to close and re-open the application, or even just a prompt to close the window.

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  • Hi sharding

    The client should attempt to reconnect to the Admin service within a minute without any interaction. If you want to force it to refresh, you can click in the drop-down menu where it lists "LOCALHOST" and hit Enter. That will force it to refresh.

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  • 2 wk agoLast active
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