Using the Canary Admin Client (version 24)
The Canary Admin application is a central management tool designed to allow system administrators to manage an entire Canary solution from a single application.…
How to Configure the Canary Admin to Require Authentication for Local Admins (version 22)
By default, the Canary Admin allows anonymous access for local users via the 'Net.Pipe' endpoint. If wishing to restrict local admin access, simply uncheck this box.…
Using the Canary Admin Application (version 23)
The Canary Admin application is a central management tool designed to allow system administrators to manage an entire Canary solution from a single application.…
Using the Canary Admin Application (version 22)
The Canary Admin application is a central management tool designed to allow system administrators to manage an entire Canary solution from a single application.…
Admin Tile (version 24)
Remote Enabled - True or False, if the Admin service allows a remote Canary Admin client connection Service Version - the version of the Admin service Client Version - the version of the Canary…
Historian Tile (version 22)
The 'Historian' tile contains configuration settings for the datasets that reside within the historian where the raw data is stored. Each dataset can have its own unique settings.…
Admin Tile (version 23)
The 'Admin' tile contains configuration settings to limit who has remote access to the Canary Admin. (If wishing to restrict local Canary Admin access on the server itself see How to Configure the…
Historian Tile (version 23)
The 'Historian' tile contains configuration settings for the DataSets that reside within the historian where the raw data is stored. Each dataset can have its own unique settings.…
Historian Tile (version 24)
DataSets - number of DataSets configured in the Historian Licensed Tags - number of tags consuming a tag license CPU - amount of CPU the Historian service is using Handles (R/W) - number of tags…
Event Property Value for Beginning and End of Event
Is it possible to enhance events capability to include the option for the event property to capture a value at the event beginning, end, or both? Currently if you set the event property to a tag,…
- Released
How to Enable the Enhanced Audit Log (EAL) (version 22)
Starting in v22.0, Canary has the option to turn on audit logging for admin configuration changes to help support 21 CFR Part 11 use cases. To enable this feature:…
How to Configure the Canary Admin to Require Authentication for Local Admins (version 23)
By default, the Canary Admin allows anonymous access for local users via the 'Net.Pipe' endpoint. If wishing to restrict local admin access, simply uncheck this box.…
Admin Tile (version 22)
The 'Admin' tile contains configuration settings to limit who has remote access to the Canary Admin. (If wishing to restrict local Canary Admin access on the server itself see How to Configure the…
Messages Tile (version 22)
The 'Messages' tile contains the message log that all Canary services write to. From here a user can filter and/or export the log as well as configure the software to send email notifications that…
How to Enable the Enhanced Audit Log (EAL) (version 24)
The Enhanced Audit Log is used to record audit messages within the Canary system whenever changes are made within the Canary Admin. To enable this feature:…
How to Configure the Canary Admin to Require Authentication for Local Admins (version 23)
By default, the Canary Admin allows anonymous access for local users via the 'Net.Pipe' endpoint. If wishing to restrict local admin access, simply uncheck this box.…
How to Enable the Enhanced Audit Log (EAL) (version 23)
Starting in v22.0, Canary has the option to turn on audit logging for admin configuration changes to help support 21 CFR Part 11 use cases. To enable this feature:…
Licenses Tile (version 22)
The 'Licenses' tile is where users can license all of their Canary software. All licensing is server-based; therefore, clients do not need to license anything on their client machines.…
Licenses Tile (version 24)
Canary Historian - the total number of tags the historian is licensed for Canary Views - the total number of Read API clients Views is licensed for Canary Historian ODBC - displays "Licensed" if…
Messages Tile (version 24)
Warn - the number of warnings in the last 24 hours Error - the number of errors in the last 24 hours Fatal - the number of fatal errors in the last 24 hours Each of these categories acts as a…
Messages Tile (version 23)
The 'Messages' tile contains the message log that all Canary services write to. From here a user can filter and/or export the log as well as configure the software to send email notifications that…
Licenses Tile (version 23)
The 'Licenses' tile is where users can license all of their Canary software. All licensing is server-based; therefore, clients do not need to license anything on their client machines.…
MQTT Collector Admin Crashes When Adding Filter
Hello, When adding a filter to the MQTT Collector while following Data Logging - Project Boot Camp - Canary Community (canarylabs.com), the application crashes when selecting the "+" icon next to…
Allow for Additional Certificate Find Types
Right now, Axiom only allows for two of the possible X509FindTypes when configuring Axiom to use HTTPS. It would be helpful to be able to choose FindByTemplateName as the Find Type instead.…
- Released
WriteAPI - Method not implemented"
Tried to implement /getSessionToken (Storage Methods) by passing request as Request : { "userToken": "90e1f3a6-7c37-4366-99c4-bc539b4978e123", "historians": [ "MACHINENAME" ], "clientId": "Test",…