The Data Generation Tool (version 24)

  • updated 3 mths ago

The Data Generation tool can be installed by selecting it from the Data Collectors list on the Canary Installer.

The Data Generation tool can be run by opening C:\Program Files\Canary\Collectors\Data Generator\CanaryDataGenerator.exe.

This tool can be configured to write data directly to the Historian or to an MQTT broker by changing the Target parameter.

Target Options

  • SAF2 - uses the Store and Forward service to write data to the Historian
  • SAF - uses the Sender service to write data to the Historian
  • MQTT - publishes a SparkplugB payload to a local MQTT broker
  • MQTT_JSON_KepwareIOT - publishes a JSON payload to a local MQTT broker

Data logging can be started and stopped by selecting the Logging tab from the tool bar at the top.

MQTT Publishing Client

If wishing to publish to an MQTT broker, the following files can be edited (SparkplugB or JSON payload, respectively) to change settings, such as: host name of the broker, port number, topic, etc.

  • C:\ProgramData\Canary\Data Generation\SAF_DataGenerationTarget.MQTT.xml
  • C:\ProgramData\Canary\Data Generation\SAF_DataGenerationTarget.MQTT_JSON_KepwareIOT.xml

By default, the Data Generator will publish to a local broker over the anonymous endpoint, 1883. Canary also includes the open source Mosquitto broker in the install for testing purposes. The broker will be installed after the Canary installation runs and will be configured to accept an anonymous connection over 1883.

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