How to Backup Buffered Sender Sessions (version 24)

  • updated 6 mths ago

By default, after a buffered session is processed by the Store and Forward (SaF) service, the session file is deleted. Configuring the system to backup the buffered files allows the data to be stored in a temp directory for a set amount of time before it is rolled off or manually deleted.


  1. Open the Canary Admin>SaF Tile>Configuration>Settings screen.
  2. Under SERVICE SETTINGS, set the 'Buffer Backup (days)' to a number from 0-30. Zero indicates it is off. Anything higher than 30 will default to 30.

    A message is logged indicating how many days the backup is set to.

How It Works

Backup files will be stored in C:\ProgramData\Canary\StoreAndForward\Backup alongside the Buffer folder. After a buffered file is finished processing, and before it gets deleted, the SaF service checks to see if it should be backed up. If it does, it will be moved to the Backup folder instead of being deleted where it will remain until it is rolled off or manually deleted.

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