CygNet Collector Tile (version 24)
Knowledge Base / Version 24 / System Admin Duties / Data Collection

- Divisions - number of sites the Collector is connected to
- Tags - number of tags being logged
- TVQs - number of updates that have been logged in the last hour
- Version - versioning number of the CygNet Collector service
The CygNet Collector uses CygNet's .NET API to log user-defined Facility and UDC combinations as tags. It captures Points' timestamps, values, and qualities along with CygNet Facility and Point attributes. Using the CygNet VHS as its data source (not the Universal Interface Service), Canary automatically discovers new facilities and their UDC's and logs them to the Historian. Should any facility data be historized prior to Canary discovering the tags or if the CygNet server is unavailable, historical data is backfilled from the VHS to the Historian.
Status Screen
The Status screen displays any sessions that are configured to log data from a CygNet site.
- DIVISION - name of the site in CygNet the Collector is logging data from
- ENABLED - True or False, if the session is enabled
- STATE - state of the session
- ASSETS - number of facilities that have been discovered
- TAGS - number of tags being logged from the site
- TOTAL TVQS - total number of TVQ's that have been logged since the session was enabled
- LAST HR TVQS - total number of TVQ's that have been logged in the last hour
- RUNNING SINCE - date time when the session was enabled
- FACILITY RESYNC AT - date time Canary will evaluate to see if there are any new facilities/points
- ERROR COUNT - number of errors that have occurred since the session was enabled
- DISABLE/ENABLE - disables/enables the session
- PROPERTIES - forces the Collector to repoll facility attributes (properties) without having to resync the entire session which can be time consuming