Trend Graph Control (version 23)
Knowledge Base / Version 23 / Client Tools / Axiom / Applications
When embedding a 'Trend Graph' control into an application, the user will have the option to 'Add trends' or 'import a chart' that was previously created. If importing a chart, it is important to know that once the application is saved, a unique copy of the chart is saved within the application itself. Updates or changes made to the original chart file, thereafter, will NOT appear in the application.
Name - a unique name used to reference the control in script *
- Height - the height of the control in pixels
- IsVisible - a checkbox to show or hide the control
- Width - the width of the control in pixels
- X - the horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner in relation to its parent container
- Y - the vertical coordinate of the top-left corner in relation to its parent container
* These properties are only available to admin users.
For more information on Trend Graph controls, see Charts.