
  • updated 1 yr ago
  1. Open Canary Admin application
  2. Select Publisher tile
  3. Click 'Configuration' from the bottom tab menu
  4. Select 'NEW'
  5. Configure based on the information below, then click 'Apply'
  6. Select 'Status' and 'Enable' feed

(configuration required in bold)

Name = CalcFeed

Type = MQTT

Client Id = random

Group ID = Bootcamp

Node ID = FirstnameLastname

Device ID = CalcFeed

Primary ID = <leave blank>

Alias tags = disabled

Compression = NONE

Durable Stream = disabled

Publish properties = BIRTH_AND_CHANGE

Publish QoS = AT MOST ONCE (QoS = 0)

Views Host = localhost

Publisher Views Path = localhistorian.Calcs

URI = tcp://datagen.canarylabs.online:8883/

Username = Bootcamp

Password = SirYesSir!

Reconnect Interval = 00:01:00

Keep Alive = 00:00:30

Clean Session = enabled

Enable SSL/TLS = enabled

Client Certificate = disabled

Ignore SSL Errors = disabled

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