Canary Historian

  • updated 3 yrs ago

 PowerPoint Overview

Canary Historian.pptx 


Live Demo 

Follow along to better understand the historian structure and manually create and configure a DataSet


Historian Tile Structure

  1. Open the Canary Admin application
  2. Select the Historian tile
  3. Explore the three main sections of the application
    • Main display window
    • HISTORIAN window
    • DATASET window

Main Display

All DataSets are displayed in the main window as individual tiles. Should there be more DataSets than can be displayed, a navigation bar will appear above the DataSet tiles that allows for scrolling and tile sizing.

If a DataSet is actively being written to or read from, it will display that information via the following:

  • Readers - how many handles are being currently read from the historian
  • Writers - how many handles are currently open for writing
  • Updates - number of TVQs written to the DataSet per second

Single-clicking on a DataSet will highlight it yellow.  Double-clicking or selecting the 'right arrow' icon in the upper right corner of the tile will drill down into the DataSet and display HDB files.


The following metrics are provided:

  • DataSet count - number of DataSets contained within the historian

  • Licensed tags - total tags consuming a license

  • Updates/Sec - how many new TVQs are being written to the historian per second

  • Readers - how many handles are being currently read from the historian

  • Writers - how many handles are currently open for writing

  • HDB Files - total number of HDB files contained within all DataSets

  • Offline Files - of the above, how many HDB files are currently offline or 'inactive' for reading through the Views service

  • Hard Drive - amount of free space on the historian drive

DATASET window

When a DataSet is selected (highlighted yellow) with a single click, the DATASET window populates the following information:

  • Name - currently selected DataSet
  • Tag Count - number of tags licensed within the DataSet
  • Updates/Sec - number of TVQs written to the DataSet per second
  • Readers - how many handles are being currently read from the historian
  • Writers - how many handles are currently open for writing
  • HDB Files - total number of HDB files contained within all DataSets

  • Last File - most recent HDB file within the DataSet

  • Offline Files - of the above, how many HDB files are currently offline or 'inactive' for reading through the Views service

  • Directory - Where the DataSet's HDB files are archived

  • Rollover - Next scheduled rollover

  • Validate - Whether or not the DataSet is configured to automatically validate (should always be true)

Additionally, the 'down arrow' icon will expand management options for the selected DataSet:

  • Roll-Over – Closes the current open HDB file for writing and creates a new HDB file  

  • Roll Up – Forces a roll up if DataSet has been pre-configured for roll up feature 

  • Obsolete - Removes a tag or tags from the available historical record 

  • Delete Property - Removes a metadata property or properties 

  • Refresh File List – Rescans the DataSet directory and discovers any new HDB files 

  • Validate All Files - Performs a validation on all files within the DataSet 


Individual DataSet Display

  1. Drill-down into a DataSet by double-clicking or selecting the 'right arrow' icon in the upper right corner of the tile.
  2. Explore the three main sections of the application
    • Main display window
    • DATASET window
    • FILE window

Main Display

All HDB files are displayed in the main window as individual tiles. Should there be more HDB files than can be displayed, a navigation bar will appear above the HDB tiles that allows for scrolling and tile sizing.

Single-clicking on an HDB tile will highlight it yellow.  Double-clicking or selecting the 'right arrow' icon in the upper right corner of the tile will drill down into the HDB file and display all tag data contained within.


Displays the same KPIs as the DATASET window at the previous level and provides the same menu items from the 'down arrow' icon

FILE Window

When an HDB is selected (highlighted yellow) with a single click, the File window populates the following information:

  • Created - Date/time the file was created
  • Validated - Date/time the file was validated (unvalidated files read 'false')
  • Tag Count - number of tags in the selected file
  • File Path - Directory the file is stored within
  • Embedded Size - amount of disk space the current file is consuming, files that are open for writing will be larger
  • Rolled Over - true if file has rolled over, false if it has not
  • Offline - false if file validation detected errors and was taken offline automatically or manually, true if online and available to Views
  • Status - current state of file (OK = normal, ??? = file not properly closed, validate, Bad = file is corrupted and needs repaired)

Additionally, the 'down arrow' icon will expand management options for the selected HDB file.  These options will change based on the condition of the selected HDB file.

  • Validate – Perform validation on the selected HDB file or files 
  • Take Offline – Removes the file from being accessible to the Views service and thus querying clients 

  • Rename tags – Provides method to rename tags within the DataSet or specific HDB files 

  • Put Online - (if offline) returns file to online condition

  • Recover - (if offline) runs recovery process to repair corrupted files and places file online if successful

  • Delete - (if offline) permanently deletes the selected HDB file

Viewing an HDB File

  • Drill-down into an HDB file by double-clicking or selecting the 'right arrow' icon in the upper right corner of the tile.
  • Explore the three main sections of the application
    • Main display window
    • TAGS window
    • Properties window

Main Display

When a tag is selected from the TAGS window, all TVQs are displayed in the main window. Should there be more TVQs than can be displayed, a navigation bar may be used, above the main display, that allows for scrolling to specific points within the HDB file.

Remember, you will only be able to recall data that is contained with the time constraints of the HDB file in which you are browsing.

A 'TREND' button is in the upper right corner that will display a rudimentary trend of the data within the file based on the tag that has been selected.

TAGS Window

Provides a searchable and filterable list of tags within the file.  The 'download arrow' icon beside the search dialogue will provide an exportable tag list in CSV format.


Provides a view of any metadata associated with the tag.  Additionally, the 'down arrow' icon offers the following actions:

  • Rename – Rename the tag within DataSet or HDB file(s)  

  • Delete Property – Remove metadata property 

Creating a New DataSet

  1. Open the Canary Admin application
  2. Select the Historian tile
  3. Click 'Configuration' from the lower menu tab
  4. Ensure 'DataSets' is highlighted from the left submenu list
  5. Click 'NEW'
  6. Name the DataSet (case sensative) = Calcs
  7. Leave all SETTINGS defaulted
  8. Click 'CREATE'
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