Calcs & Events Tile (version 25)
Active - number of active calcs/events currently running Tags Writing - number of tags being written to the Historian Hourly Count - number of TVQs (timestamp value quality) written to the Historian…
Events In Progress
When using the Admin Client on the Calcs & Events screen, I would like an option to easily find all events currently in progress. It would be highly beneficial to have a filter specifically for…
Event Aggregate Value
Can you provide a list of all the event aggregate properties that are available to use in the email notifications for an event: I have end email notification template setup like this:…
Axiom scripting class reference
I've been playing with scripting in Axiom and I'm wondering if there is documentation of the classes available, eg properties for all the control objects that can be put on the screen.…
Cannot support operations that write to the log file
Hello Everyone, We’re encountering an issue where some events remain open in SQL, even after the corresponding flag becomes false. Upon investigation, we found the following errors: 1.…
How To Create an Automated Report in Axiom (version 25)
Automated Reports allow the user to send a screenshot of a specific chart or application at a specific time of day, week, or month. These images are stored as PNG files and can be sent via email if…
How To Create an Automated Report in Axiom (version 24)
Automated Reports allow the user to send a screenshot of a specific chart or application at a specific time of day, week, or month. These images are stored as PNG files and can be sent via email if…
Email Groups within Canary
While we might be able to handle this with distribution lists in our email setups, it could be helpful if there was a way to create email groups within Canary and then use those groups in events.…
Events Table Optimization
We are trying to optimize performance of the Events and Event Properties table, is it advisable to add Indexing and table partitions to achieve this?
Unable to read from transport connection
Hi, Has anyone come across this Error "Error during Live Update: Unable to read data from the transport connection;An exsiting connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" What may be the cause…
Calc & Events Settings Screen (version 24)
Endpoints IPC - endpoint used by a local Views service to read events gRPC Admin (55340) - endpoint used specifically by the local Admin service for configuring settings and requesting status…
Missing 'End of Event' Email Notifications
Hello, we have been configuring a bunch of Event alerts for the first time. We are now trying to fine tune our trigger parameters and noticed something strange.…
Calcs & Events should show an error if the tag name is invalid
Normally if there is a problem in a calc/event we see the error like this: BUT it doesn't look like tag names are checked. Below for example we have an event property for a tag but that tag doesn't…
Is there a limit (6?) on # of properties for an event?
We setup an event in Canary under calcs & events and tried to backfill but it immediately went live without adding any events. If we removed properties from the event it worked.…
Including event duration in end event email
Event Duration is available in the events table control in Axiom and in the event pull in Canary's Excel Add-In. We didn't find a way right off though to include the event duration in an end event…
Send reminder emails with Calcs & Events service
I have a system which contains water quality sensors that will tell the process engineers when water filters need to be changed. I have set up email alerts to notify them when the water quality meets…
Get All Child Events in Axiom
Hello Everyone I need to retrieve all the events of an asset in Axiom, specifically for the child assets. I mean, I have Parent01, Parent02, etc., and for each ParentXX I have 10 child assets,…
Min Duration in Event with 3 Conditions
Hello everyone, I have an event that I need to create which must meet three conditions for at least 5 minutes: The first is that the data quality of variable A is Good.…
Test Event Email Button
When creating an event, it would be nice if you could send a test email to ensure the subject looks right and the recipients are set up correctly. Adding a Send Test Email button next to the Edit…
Function to return tag path from parent asset
Maybe there exists a way to do this, but I would like to use the available calculation functions on tags from the parent asset of the asset with a configured event.…
Axiom Event Table Control Needs More Rows
Currently your Events Table Control in Axiom only allows for up to 100 rows of events to be displays in a dashboard. Our pharmaceutical customers rely on this table to show them critical event data,…
Events Table control option to filter on property value
We have an event setup for the beginning and ending of every stop that occurs. That event is setup with a property for the stop reason. It would be nice if the events table control in Axiom had an…
Event Property not shown in Status or SQL DB
Hello, I have set up an event in the Event & Calcs Server, and the event start/stops accordingly based on the state of the event start trigger. However, when I look up the status of the event,…
Event Property Integration
Canary Historian currently allows users to store custom events in an SQLite database, each with its set of properties. Will it be Possible to save these event properties as Actual Tags.…
Storing Events in an External SQL Database (version 24)
By default, Canary stores its events in a SQLite database, C:\ProgramData\Canary\Events\CanaryEvents.sqlite. If wishing to store these events in an external Microsoft SQL database,…