Licenses Tile (version 25)
- Canary Historian - the total number of tags the historian is licensed for
- Canary Views - the total number of Read API clients Views is licensed for
- Canary Historian ODBC - displays "Licensed" if licensed
- Canary Axiom - the total number of Axiom clients the system is licensed for
- Version - version number of the License service
If a Demo or Subscription license is in place, the tile will display the Expiration Date for each product.
The Licenses tile is where users can license all of their Canary software. All licensing is server-based. Client machines do not need licensed.
Licenses Screen
The Licenses screen displays all of the licenses available on the server. These licenses are available for any local or remote Canary services that are pointed to the License service.
The following products require a license: Historian, Axiom, Views, and ODBC. Each product has a...
- Serial Number - serial number as provided by your Canary representative attached to the license
- Quantity - number of licenses that reside on the License server. This could be one or more depending if other remote products are leasing a license from the License service. (See License Architectures for more details.)
- Max Version Year - maximum year of versioning that is compatible with the current license. Canary bases its versioning on the year in which it is released. (See Versioning and Licensing Compatibility for more details.)
- Expiration Date - date when the license will expire. Displays Never if it is a perpetual license.
- Quantity Leased - number of licenses in use
Canary Historian
- Tags - amount of tags the Historian is licensed for
Canary Axiom
- Users - total number of users Axiom is licensed for
Canary Views
- Client Users - total number of Read API clients Views is licensed for. It comes with 25 clients, but can be increased, if needed, without additional cost.
- Excel Add-in Users - total number of Excel Add-in clients Views is licensed for
Canary Historian ODBC
- Quantity Leased - number of ODBC server licenses in use. This is NOT the number of ODBC clients in use. ODBC clients are not licensed and can be deployed as many times as needed.
To return a license to Canary's License Portal, the user can click the REMOVE LICENSE button next to any product. This will return ALL licenses of the selected product if there is more than one. If the server has internet access, a confirmation screen will appear indicating it has successfully returned the license. If the server does not have internet access, a different screen will appear containing a license return key. Simultaneously, a message will appear in the Messages tile containing said key. This key must be used to return the license by visiting and selecting the RETURN LICENSE tab.
- License Code - a code that is used to license the software manually if the server does not have internet access. This code changes each time a license is pulled.
- License Key - a unique GUID generated when pulling a license from Canary's licensing website (
If the server does not have internet access, the license must be installed manually using the License Code. The license can be pulled by visiting and selecting the LICENSING INFO tab. The user must provide the required information including the License Code. Once the license is requested, a License Key is generated which the user can then insert into the License Key field.
If the server has internet access, the license can be pulled using the Canary Admin by filling in the appropriate information, checking the desired product(s), then selecting GET LICENSE.
Licenses are added one at a time for each selected product. If needing to add multiple licenses for a single product, the user must repeat the process of checking the desired product and clicking the GET LICENSE button until all licenses have been pulled.
When pulling a license it is important to note that this will ADD to the existing license that may already be present on the system, assuming it is from the same serial number and is of the same value (i.e. Historian tag counts are equal). If the serial numbers do not match or if the licenses are not of equal value, an error will be thrown indicating it is not able to pull the license. It does NOT replace the preexisting license. If needing to replace a preexisting license, please contact your Canary representative.
Endpoints Screen
- IPC - endpoint used by local Canary services needing to lease a license
- gRPC Admin (55312) - endpoint used specifically by the local Admin service for configuring settings and requesting status information
- gRPC API (55310) - endpoint used by remote Canary services connecting to lease a license
- REST API (55311) - endpoint used to add or return licenses to and from Canary's License server