Parent-Child Assets and Calculations
Hi Everyone, I need to understand how to create rules for parent-child relationships between assets. I can't find any useful examples in the documentation, forums, or on YouTube.…
- Answered
Test Event Email Button
When creating an event, it would be nice if you could send a test email to ensure the subject looks right and the recipients are set up correctly. Adding a Send Test Email button next to the Edit…
Calculation option to evaluate the calculation as of a specific date/time
We can select an asset and see the current results of the calculation but it could be helpful if there was a way to also select a date and time and see what the current calculation definition would…
Event Property Integration
Canary Historian currently allows users to store custom events in an SQLite database, each with its set of properties. Will it be Possible to save these event properties as Actual Tags.…
Calculations - Partial Backfilling Removes Data Before Backfill Date
When backfilling a calculation to a specific date, any data before that data is removed. I would expect that data before the date is retained and any data on or after the date would be changed.…
Calculations - DeltaTotalCount Cannot Exceed Limits of Source DataType
When using the DeltaTotalCount function, it seems like it can't return a value that exceeds the maximum value of the source tag datatype. For example, if a tag is being recorded as a UI2 datatype…
Change Timestamp in Calculation
Hello Everyone. I would like to do some aggregation hour by hour (using ResettingAnchoredInterval and DeltaBounds) from a totalizer tag (an energy totalizer in MWh).…
Count Calculation
What is the best operation to use to count every hour a tag is On (active, =1) for an entire week or 168 hrs. Then reset at the end of the week and start counting again?
Available Functions of the Calculation Server (version 24)
The functions available within the Calculation Server can be categorized in three different ways: Standard OPC Foundation aggregates NCALC functions and operators Custom functions developed by Canary…
External Events Database Triggers
Dear Canary team, I have an external MSSQL server storing Events, and I would like triggers in the database on INSERTs and UPDATEs on the Events and EventProperties tables,…
- Fixed
Calculation with notification sends email.
I have a calculation setup with an event that will send an email based on an event start and end trigger. I do the calculation every 30s. Then I check the average value over the last hour and check…
Axiom - Have App reset data at a certain time
I am wanting to make an APP on Axiom that shows data during a certain shift. I want to show averages, totals, and current status on certain tags for the shift.…
Available Functions of the Calculation Server (version 22)
The functions available within the Calculation Server can be categorized in three different ways: Standard OPC Foundation aggregates NCALC functions and operators Custom functions developed by…
Scheduling Blocks for Calculations
Add the ability to schedule certain calculations to only run during certain times of the day, such as between 5 A.M. and 9 P.M. In our environment, some calculations,…
Calcs & Events Tile (version 22)
Use the following links for documentation regarding the Status Screen Calculation Group Screen Settings Screen
Calcs & Events Tile (version 23)
Use the following links for documentation regarding the Status Screen Calculation Group Screen Settings Screen
Calcs & Events Tile (version 24)
Active - number of active calcs/events currently running Tags Writing - number of tags being written to the Historian Hourly Count - number of TVQs (timestamp value quality) written to the Historian…
***ATTENTION*** - Events Service Merging Into Calculation Service Starting in v21.4
Starting in v21.4, the Canary Event Service will be obsoleted and merged into the Canary Calculation Service. Any preexisting events will be converted over during the upgrade process and appear in…
Calcs & Events: 301
The third of a series of three coaching sessions designed to teach you how to use the Calcs & Events service. This video focuses on how to configure and use Events within the Calcs & Events server…
Calc & Events Status Screen (version 22)
Status Panel - displays metrics for the entire Calculation service Calculation Status Panel - displays metrics for the highlighted calc/event Search Bar - filters the calc/events table based on the…
Calc & Events Status Screen (version 23)
Status Panel - displays metrics for the entire Calculation service Calculation Status Panel - displays metrics for the highlighted calc/event Search Bar - filters the calc/events table based on the…
Calc & Events Status Screen (version 24)
Status Panel - displays metrics for the entire Calculation service Calculation Status Panel - displays metrics for the highlighted calc/event Search Bar - filters the calc/events table based on the…
Calc & Events Settings Screen (version 23)
Service Settings Delayed Start Time (seconds) - a general delay from when the service starts until calculations/events are evaluated Destination Historians - a comma delimited list of historian…
Calc & Events Settings Screen (version 22)
Service Settings Delayed Start Time (seconds) - a general delay from when the service starts until calculations/events are evaluated Destination Historians - a comma delimited list of historian…
Calculation Group Status Screen (version 22)
The Calculation Group Status screen is where users can create and configure calculations and/or events. Multiple calcs/events can be outputted from a single calc group provided they are independent…