Available Functions of the Calculation Server (version 25)
The functions available within the Calculation Server can be categorized in four different ways:
- Standard OPC Foundation aggregates
- NCALC functions and operators
- Steam Generation calcs
- Custom functions developed by Canary
An example of each of these functions (excluding the Steam Generation calcs) are included at the top of this page if the user wishes to import them into their Calculation Server.
OPC Foundation Aggregates
For most aggregates, the expression syntax is simply:
Whenever the calculation is triggered (whether it be 'Value Change' or 'Periodic'), the interval over which the aggregate is calculated is Now - Duration.
A third optional parameter can be added to alter the start time:
FunctionName('[TagPath]','Duration', 'startTime')
In this case, the interval used is startTime + Duration.
Duration can be expressed using a relative or actual time. For example,
- 1second = 1s = 00:00:01
- 1minute = 1m = 00:01:00
- 1hour = 1h = 1:00:00
- 1day = 1d = 1.00:00:00
- 1week = 1w = 7.00:00:00
- 1month
- 1year = 1y
StartTimes can also use the same syntax. For example,
Maximum2('[TagName]', '1d', 'd-7d')
finds the max daily value from 7 days ago. We use 'd' to normalize to the beginning of the day, then subtract '7d' or seven days.
Function |
Description |
Syntax |
Average |
Retrieve the average value of the data over the interval. |
Average('[TagName]','Duration') Average('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Count |
Retrieve the number of raw values over the interval. |
Count('[TagName]','Duration') Count('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
CountInStateNonZero/Zero |
Retrieve the number of times a Boolean or numeric was in a non-zero/zero state using Simple Bounding Values. |
CountInStateNonZero('[TagName]','Duration') CountInStateZero('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Delta |
Retrieve the difference between the Start and End value in the interval. |
Delta('[TagName]','Duration') Delta('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
DeltaBounds |
Retrieve the difference between the StartBound and EndBound value in the interval. |
DeltaBounds('[TagName]','Duration') DeltaBounds('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
DurationBad/Good |
Retrieve the total duration of time in the interval during which the data is Bad/Good. |
DurationBad('[TagName]','Duration') DurationGood('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
DurationInStateNonZero/Zero |
Retrieve the time a Boolean or numeric was in a non-zero/zero state using Simple Bounding Values. |
DurationInStateNonZero('[TagName]','Duration') DurationInStateZero('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
EndBound |
Retrieve the value at the end of the interval using Simple Bounding Values. |
EndBound('[TagName]','Duration') EndBound('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Interpolative |
At the beginning of each interval, retrieve the calculated value from the data points on either side of the requested timestamp. |
Interpolative('[TagName]','Duration') Interpolative('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Maximum |
Retrieve the maximum raw value in the interval with the timestamp of the start of the interval. |
Maximum('[TagName]','Duration') Maximum('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Maximum2 |
Retrieve the maximum value in the interval including the Simple Bounding Values. |
Maximum2('[TagName]','Duration') Maximum2('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Minimum |
Retrieve the minimum raw value in the interval with the timestamp of the start of the interval. |
Minimum('[TagName]','Duration') Minimum('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Minimum2 |
Retrieve the minimum value in the interval including the Simple Bounding Values. |
Minimum2('[TagName]','Duration') Minimum2('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
NumberOfTransitions |
Retrieve the number of changes between zero and non-zero that a Boolean or numeric value experienced in the interval. |
NumberOfTransitions('[TagName]','Duration') NumberOfTransitions('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
PercentBad/Good |
Retrieve the percentage of data (0 to 100) in the interval which has Bad/Good StatusCode. |
PercentBad('[TagName]','Duration') PercentGood('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Range |
Retrieve the difference between the minimum and maximum value over the interval. |
Range('[TagName]','Duration') Range('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Range2 |
Retrieve the difference between the Minimum2 and Maximum2 value over the interval. |
Range2('[TagName]','Duration') Range2('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
StandardDeviationPopulation |
Retrieve the standard deviation for the interval for a complete population (n) which includes Simple Bounding Values. |
StandardDeviationPopulation('[TagName]','Duration') StandardDeviationPopulation('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
StandardDeviationSample |
Retrieve the standard deviation for the interval for a sample of the population (n-1). |
StandardDeviationSample('[TagName]','Duration') StandardDeviationSample('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
StartBound |
Retrieve the value at the beginning of the interval using Simple Bounding Values. |
StartBound('[TagName]','Duration') StartBound('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
TimeAverage |
Retrieve the time weighted average data over the interval using Interpolated Bounding Values. |
TimeAverage('[TagName]','Duration') TimeAverage('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
TimeAverage2 |
Retrieve the time weighted average data over the interval using Simple Bounding Values. |
TimeAverage2('[TagName]','Duration') TimeAverage2('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Total |
Retrieve the total (time integral) of the data over the interval using Interpolated Bounding Values. |
Total('[TagName]','Duration') Total('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
Total2 |
Retrieve the total (time integral in seconds) of the data over the interval using Simple Bounding Values. |
Total2('[TagName]','Duration') Total2('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
TotalPer24Hours |
Retrieve the total (time integral in 24 hours) of the data over the interval using Simple Bounding Values. |
TotalPer24Hours('[TagName]','Duration') TotalPer24Hours('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
TotalPerHour |
Retrieve the total (time integral in hours) of the data over the interval using Simple Bounding Values. |
TotalPerHour('[TagName]','Duration') TotalPerHour('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
TotalPerMinute |
Retrieve the total (time integral in minutes) of the data over the interval using Simple Bounding Values. |
TotalPerMinute('[TagName]','Duration') TotalPerMinute('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
VariancePopulation |
Retrieve the variance for the interval as calculated by the StandardDeviationPopulation which includes Simple Bounding Values. |
VariancePopulation('[TagName]','Duration') VariancePopulation('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
VarianceSample |
Retrieve the variance for the interval as calculated by the StandardDeviationSample. |
VarianceSample('[TagName]','Duration') VarianceSample('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
WorstQuality |
Retrieve the worst StatusCode of data in the interval. |
WorstQuality('[TagName]','Duration') WorstQuality('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
WorstQuality2 |
Retrieve the worst StatusCode of data in the interval including the Simple Bounding Values. |
WorstQuality2('[TagName]','Duration') WorstQuality2('[TagName]','Duration','startTime') |
NCalc Functions
Functions |
Definition |
Syntax |
Absolute Value |
Returns the absolute value of a specified number. |
Abs(-1) |
CanaryAnd |
Evaluates an array of expressions and returns true if all expressions are true. |
CanaryAnd([tag1] = 1, [tag2] < 10, [tagN] >= 1) |
CanaryOr |
Evaluates an Array of values and returns true if at least one is true. |
CanaryOr([tag1] = 1, [tag2] = 1, [tagN] = 1) |
Ceiling |
Retrieves the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number. |
Ceiling([TagName]) |
Floor |
Retrieves the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number. |
Floor([TagName]) |
Functions of Trigonometry |
Returns the sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, and arctan of the specified number. |
Sin([TagName]) |
if |
Returns a value based on a condition. |
if([TagName]>0, [TagName], False) |
in |
Returns True/False whether an element is in a set of values where the first element in the array is the value to be compared. |
in(1+1, 1, 2, 3) |
Log |
Returns the logarithm of a specified number. |
Log(1,10) |
Log10 |
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. |
Log10(1) |
Pow |
Returns a number raised to the specified power. |
Pow(3,2) |
Round |
Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places. |
Round('3.222','2') |
Sqrt |
Returns the square root of a specified number. |
Sqrt(4) |
Switch |
Select an output value based on which match contains the same value as the compare key. |
Switch(compareKey, match1, value1, match2, value2...,defaultValue) |
Truncate |
Calculates the integral part of a number. |
Truncate(1.234) |
Steam Generation Calcs
Function | Description | Syntax |
Steam_HPS | Specific enthalpy (J/g) as a function of pressure and entropy. | Steam_HPS(double pressure (kPa), double entropy (J/g·K)) |
Steam_HPT | Specific enthalpy (J/g) as a function of pressure and temperature. | Steam_HPT(double pressure (kPa), double temperature (°C)) |
Steam_HPX | Specific enthalpy (J/g) as a function of pressure and steam. | Steam_HPX(double pressure (kPa), double steamQuality) |
Steam_HsatP | Specific enthalpy (J/g) of saturated steam as a function of pressure. | Steam_HsatP(double pressure (kPa)) |
Steam_HsatT | Specific enthalpy (J/g) of saturated steam as a function of temperature. | Steam_HsatT(double temperature (°C)) |
Steam_PsatT | Saturation pressure (kPa) as a function of temperature. | Steam_PsatT(double temperature (°C)) |
Steam_SPH | Specific entropy (J/g·K) as a function of pressure and enthalpy. | Steam_SPH(double pressure (kPa), double enthalpy (J/g)) |
Steam_SPT | Specific entropy (J/g·K) as a function of pressure and temperature. | Steam_SPT(double pressure (kPa), double temperature (°C)) |
Steam_SPX | Specific entropy (J/g·K) as a function of pressure and steam quality. | Steam_SPX(double pressure (kPa), double steamQuality) |
Steam_SsatP | Specific entropy (J/g·K) of saturated steam as a function of pressure. | Steam_SsatP(double pressure (kPa)) |
Steam_SsatT | Specific entropy (J/g·K) of saturated steam as a function of temperature. | Steam_SsatT(double temperature (°C)) |
Steam_TPH | Temperature (°C) as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy. | Steam_TPH(double pressure (kPa), double enthalpy (J/g)) |
Steam_TPS | Temperature (°C) as a function of pressure and specific entropy. | Steam_TPS(double pressure (kPa), double entropy (J/g·K)) |
Steam_TsatP | Temperature (°C) of saturated steam as a function of pressure. | Steam_TsatP(double pressure (kPa)) |
Steam_VPH | Specific volume (cm3/g) as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy. | Steam_VPH(double pressure (kPa), double enthalpy (J/g)) |
Steam_VPS | Specific volume (cm3/g) as a function of pressure and specific entropy. | Steam_VPS(double pressure (kPa), double entropy (J/g·K)) |
Steam_VPT | Specific volume (cm3/g) as a function of pressure and temperature. | Steam_VPT(double pressure (kPa), double temperature (°C)) |
Steam_VPX | Specific volume (cm3/g) as a function of pressure and steam quality. | Steam_VPX(double pressure (kPa), double steamQuality) |
Steam_VsatP | Specific volume (cm3/g) of saturated steam as a function of pressure. | Steam_VsatP(double pressure (kPa)) |
Steam_VsatT | Specific volume (cm3/g) of saturated steam as a function of temperature. | Steam_VsatT(double temperature (°C)) |
Steam_XPH | Steam quality as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy. | Steam_XPH(double pressure (kPa), double enthalpy (J/g)) |
Steam_XPS | Steam quality as a function of pressure and specific entropy. | Steam_XPS(double pressure (kPa), double entropy (J/g·K)) |
Custom Functions
The following have been built by Canary to address typical historian based analytics.
Functions |
Definition |
Syntax |
AssetInstanceCount |
Returns the total number of asset instances of the specified type under a source path. |
AssetInstanceCount('sourcePath', 'assetType') |
DeltaTotalCount |
Retrieves the total delta (change) of values for an accumulation tag that resets periodically. |
DeltaTotalCount('[TagName','Duration') DeltaTotalCount('[TagName','Duration','startTime') |
DurationSinceDateTime |
Retrieves the time in milliseconds since the date and/or time specified by the dateTimeString. |
DurationSinceDateTime('dateTimeString') Note: Datetimes can be relative (d+6h) or actual (6:00). TagNames can also be passed in if they have a valid string type that can be parsed. For example, DurationSinceDateTime('d +'+[StringTag]) where [StringTag] = '6h' |
DurationSinceLastHistorianUpdate |
Retrieve the time in milliseconds since a tag received an update, regardless of whether the value or quality changed. |
DurationSinceLastHistorianUpdate('[TagName]') Note: The next 'DurationSinceLastTVQ' function should be used instead of this function in most situations. |
DurationSinceLastTVQ |
Retrieve the time in milliseconds since a tag's value or quality changed. |
DurationSinceLastTVQ ('[TagName]', optional bool ignoreBadValueChanges) If ignoreBadValueChanges is set to true, it changes the behavior of the function so that bad or NoData quality TVQs do not reset the duration and instead only set the output quality to uncertain. Additionally, it keeps the function from resetting the duration because of an uncertain quality. |
IsQualityBad/Good/Uncertain |
Returns True if the quality is Bad/Good/Uncertain, otherwise returns False. Typically used in conjunction with the 'Quality' function. |
IsQualityBad(Quality([TagName])) |
NoOutput |
Does not output tag values. Typically used within an 'if' statement. |
if([Tagname]>0, [TagName],NoOutput()) Starting in 21.4, the 'NoOutput' function can be utilized within the 'Quality Override' parameters of the expression. Both the 'If True' and 'If False' parameters will accept NoOutput as an input. |
Property |
Retrieves the value of a tag property. |
Property('[TagName]', 'PropertyName') |
Quality |
Retrieves the latest quality for a tag. |
Quality('[TagName]') Common quality codes include 192 (Good), 0 (Bad), 64 (Uncertain), 32768 (NoData). |
ResettingAnchoredInterval |
Calculates an aggregate with an interval that continues to grow over a length of time, and then resets after a certain duration. |
ResettingAnchoredInterval('aggregateName', '[TagName]', 'resetInterval', 'optional resetOffset') Example: ResettingAnchoredInterval('Maximum2', '[TagName]', '1d', '9h') This finds the maximum value as it evaluates, periodically or by value change, throughout a 1 day interval from 9am to 9am. At 9am, it resets and starts a new interval. |
Rollup |
Calculates a sum, count, average, or min/max of a specified tag for all child assets of the specified parent asset type. This function can ony be used as an asset-based calculation and must run Periodically. |
Rollup('sourcePath', 'operation', 'child assetType', 'child assetTag', 'optional assetFilterExpression') Operations include: SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM. Example: Rollup('VirtualView.%Asset%','SUM','Pump','Pressure') where 'Pump' is a child asset of the configured 'Well' parent asset and 'Pressure' is a pump tag. The assetFilterExpression may be any valid calculation expression and will be applied to the rollup assets to determine which to use and which to skip. If the expression returns false for a particular asset, that asset will not be included in the rollup. Use %RollupAsset% to target tags relative to the asset being rolled up. Example: Rollup('VirtualView.%Asset%','SUM','Pump','Pressure',[%RollupAsset%.Running]=True) In this example, only pumps that have the Running tag equal True will be rolled up. |
SetOutputQuality |
Sets the output tag value quality. |
SetOutputQuality(quality) Quality can be represented in its string format or decimal equivalent. Common qualities include: Good(192), Bad(0), Uncertain(64), and NoData(32768). Starting in 21.4, the 'Quality Override' parameters of the expression can be used in place of this function. Both the 'If True' and 'If False' parameters will accept the string and decimal quality format. |
TagIfExists |
Returns the value of the tag if it exists, otherwise returns the fallback value. |
TagIfExists ('[TagName]', fallbackValue) fallbackValue can be a number or a string but can't be a tag, an aggregate, or a variable. |