Interpolated Bounding Values using SteppedInterpolation
Hi Everyone I know that Canary can do Simple Bounding and Interpolated Bounding when it's aggregate some time series. I supuse that it use SlopedInterpolation method (described by the OPC Foundation…
Time Since False
I've got a use case where I want to keep a running timer of how long a piece of equipment has been off. There is a tag for status: 1 = running, 0 = off.…
Count Number of Changes in String Tag value
We are doing a thruput improvement project and trying to find a way to calculate how many serialized units move thru our workcells. The most robust signal we have to track this with currently is a…
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Send reminder emails with Calcs & Events service
I have a system which contains water quality sensors that will tell the process engineers when water filters need to be changed. I have set up email alerts to notify them when the water quality meets…
Use an attribute of a parent asset in a calculation
I need to reference the value of an attribute in a parent asset in my calculation. For this example I'm trying to calculation the contribution of the current element towards the total of all the…
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CanaryAnd, and, &&, &
As far as I can tell, there are at least 4 ways to do an AND operation in Calculation: CanaryAnd, and, &&, &. Similarly for OR (CanaryOr, or, ||, |). And not equal has != and <>.…
Time a bool is true!!
V23 User I have a machine status, if true, the machine is productive, false if not productive. I want to periodically calculate the percentage of the current day the bool is true or machine is…
External Events Database Triggers
Dear Canary team, I have an external MSSQL server storing Events, and I would like triggers in the database on INSERTs and UPDATEs on the Events and EventProperties tables,…
- Fixed
Rollup calculation syntax
I'm trying to create a rollup calculation but I don't really understand he syntax and I can't find any examples. I have a virtual view with these asset types: one Company, with multiple Sites,…
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Quality of PreviousValue
Is there a way to get the quality of the PreviousValue of a tag in Calc and Events. I try to use Quality('PreviousValue('[tag]')'), but I get an error for this.
Backfill To vs Remove Old Data
How are Backfill To and Remove Old Data related? Below are the definitions from the documentation. So Backfill To will be leveraged anytime the calc is saved or the calc service is started up?…
Calculations stuck in Backfilling
I have several calculations that are stuck in 'Backfilling' and never go to Live Mode. This obviously means calculations that depend on them can't start.…
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Parent-Child Assets and Calculations
Hi Everyone, I need to understand how to create rules for parent-child relationships between assets. I can't find any useful examples in the documentation, forums, or on YouTube.…
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***ATTENTION*** - Events Service Merging Into Calculation Service Starting in v21.4
Starting in v21.4, the Canary Event Service will be obsoleted and merged into the Canary Calculation Service. Any preexisting events will be converted over during the upgrade process and appear in…
Date/time arithmetic in Calculations
Apologies if this is a silly question or if I'm repeating something I've already asked (I'm sure I asked something like this a while ago) but what is the best way to do date and time arithmetic in…
A tag that's value is the year data started
This is related to not being able to manually create tags. For filtering reasons in Axiom, I want to be able to have a tag that's value is the year the tags were added (i.e.…
Date & time functions in calculations
I'm trying to calculate approximate sunrise/sunset times for each day of the year for a solar generation application. I have them worked out in Excel and need to transfer the calculations to Canary.…
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Simple calculation. Don't understand where the results go
I'm new to Canary and trying to understand how the asset model and calculations work. I've got Solar PV data coming in for 2 inverters with a number of strings of panels on each inverter.…
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Available Functions of the Calculation Server (version 23)
The functions available within the Calculation Server can be categorized in three different ways: Standard OPC Foundation aggregates NCALC functions and operators Custom functions developed by Canary…
Change Timestamp in Calculation
Hello Everyone. I would like to do some aggregation hour by hour (using ResettingAnchoredInterval and DeltaBounds) from a totalizer tag (an energy totalizer in MWh).…
Efficient querying for calculated interval data
We have a calculation writing 11 tags every 5 minutes to it's own dataset for our BI team. Since the historian is write-by-exception only, when querying this 5m data,…
Duration a Tag is Greater than a value
Hello, I am trying to create a calculation that will tell me the total time in the last 24 hours when a tag has a value greater than a set value (example 50) Has anyone done this already?…
Event duration sum
Hi, is there a way to total all the durations of an event that occurred within a time period. For example, I have an event triggered for downtime of equipment and I'd like to sum up the total…
Calc & Events Settings Screen (version 24)
Endpoints IPC - endpoint used by a local Views service to read events gRPC Admin (55340) - endpoint used specifically by the local Admin service for configuring settings and requesting status…
Folders in Calcs & Events
There should be a method for storing calculations in a folder structure so that the list does not get overly complicated.