Processed Data (version 25)

The Processed Data function gives the user the ability to request aggregated/processed data from the historian, as opposed to raw data. For example, a user may want to know what the average hourly pressure of a tag was for an entire day. The screenshot to the right demonstrates what that request might look like.

Input Range

A reference to a range of cells containing a list of tag names typically generated by the Tag List function. This range is automatically set to the cells that are pre-selected when the button for this function is selected. The range can be adjusted by editing the range or selecting a new range of cells then clicking the Set button. Adjusting the input range will automatically update the output location.

Start Date

The Start Date can be an absolute date (11/21/2022), a relative time (NOW-5h), or a cell reference ('Sheet6'!$G$12). The absolute date can be typed in or the Calendar control may be used by pressing the down arrow at the end of the text box. If a relative time is specified, then the Start Time does not need to be used. To set a cell reference, select the desired cell and press the Set button.

Start Time

Used in conjunction with an absolute start date, Start Time can be an absolute time (10:15:00 AM) or a cell reference ('Sheet6'!$G$12). To set a cell reference, press the Set button with the desired cell selected.

End Date

The End Date can be an absolute date (8/9/2016), a relative time (Day-1d), or a cell reference ('Sheet6'!$G$12). The end date and time should be later than the start date and time. The absolute date can be typed in or the Calendar control may be used by pressing the down arrow at the end of the text box. If a relative time is specified, then the End Time does not need to be used. To set a cell reference, select the desired cell and press the Set button.

End Time

Used in conjunction with an absolute end date, End Time can be an absolute time (7:30:00 PM) or a cell reference ('Sheet6'!$G$12). The end date and time should be later than the start date and time. To set a cell reference, press the Set button with the desired cell selected.

Sort Order

The data can be returned with timestamps in ascending or descending order.


The aggregate to be used to process the data. There are currently 43 different aggregates supported by the Views service. For a list of these aggregates and their descriptions, select the Aggregate List function from the ribbon. This field also supports a cell reference that contains one of the defined aggregates. To set a cell reference, make sure the selection box has focus and the text area is empty, CTRL-click on the desired cell and a cell reference will be written into the input parameter.

Aggregate Interval

This is the time span between rows. The interval can be an absolute time or a relative time. A time span entry of "00:01:00" or "1m" is one minute.

Consolidate Duplicate Rows

This option will consolidate rows of data when there are 10 or more consecutive rows where the data is the same. A special row will be inserted showing the number of rows where the data was exactly the same.

Show Headers

This option will display a heading for each Display Field included in the output.

Display Fields

If the Display Field name is checked, that field will be included in the output results. The order of the display field names determines the order in which they are outputted. To rearrange the order, click a field and then press the up/down buttons along the right side. You can also drag-and-drop fields to rearrange them.

  • TimeStamp as Text - timestamps are returned as as formatted string down to one second resolution (10/4/2018 12:00:00 AM).
  • TimeStamp as Number - timestamps are returned as an Excel DateTime number (needs to have Excel formatting applied to make it readable).
  • Value if Good - The TVQ value if the quality is good, otherwise blank.
  • Value - The TVQ value, regardless of quality.
  • Data Type - The TVQ value data type.
  • Decimal Quality - The TVQ quality in decimal format (i.e. 192, 0, 64, 32768).
  • Hex Quality - The TVQ quality in hexadecimal format (i.e. C0, 0, 40, 8000).
  • Readable Quality - The TVQ quality - in a readable format - of the different bit meanings (i.e. Good, Bad, Uncertain, No Data).
  • Aggregate Name - the name of the aggregate used in the processed data call.

Output Vertically

This option transposes the output columns and rows. If checked, tag data will be listed vertically giving each tag a single row. This is useful if the Tag List is also vertical as the values can be aligned in the same row as their respective tag.

Output Location

This is the location where the output will be written to. It is the cell in the upper left corner of the result. The number of cells needed for the result will depend on the input parameters. The number of columns and rows returned is dependent on the number of tags and display fields. The default output location cell is set to the cell just below the left most cell of the input range (if the input range is horizontal) or just to the right of the top most cell of the input range (if the input range is vertical.)

When using input parameters referencing other cells, if the input cell changes it will automatically update the resulting data.

The Input Pane can be closed at any time by clicking on the X in the upper right corner. To re-open the Pane, click on the Canary Ribbon "Processed Data" button. If the cell containing an existing Canary function has the focus and the user selects the corresponding function button from the Canary Ribbon, the input controls in the Pane will be set according to the parameters of the Canary function.

