Find Events (version 25)
The Find Events function returns any events that have been pre-configured within the Canary Admin (See How To Create An Event).
Event Type
Will return any event type that matches the specified event type. If no event type is selected, will match on all event types. The event type can be selected from the drop down list.
Will return any event with a Source that contains the string. There can be more than one string to match on separated by spaces. If blank will match on all names.This input parameter can also reference a cell. This is particularly useful if the event is asset-based and the user wishes to only returns events from certain assets.
Search From/To
This can be an absolute date (2/9/2021 12:00:00 AM) or a relative one (Now-7d). If the field is empty, the Search From is defined as the earliest possible time and the Search To as the latest possible time. An absolute time can by typed or selected via the calender that is activated by clicking on the down arrow at the end of the field. To set a cell reference, make sure the selection box has focus and the text area is empty, "CTRL-click" on the desired cell and a cell reference will be written into the input parameter.
Search Mode
Controls how the Search From and Search To are compared against the time span of the event. The Range is defined as the time period between Search From and Search To. Search Mode can be one of the following options:
- Active during Range: Find all events that are active at any time during the range.
- Starts in Range: Find all events that started in the range.
- Ends in Range: Find all events that ended in the range.
- Started & Ended in Range: Find all events that both started and ended in the range.
- In Process: Find all events that are currently in process and have not ended
Sort Order
A maximum of 1000 events will be returned in a single search. Use the Sort Order setting to return descending or ascending Event Start times
Will return any event duration that matches the specified condition. Example conditions are <=15 minutes or > 5 hours. The operators are <, <=, >, >=, and =. The length is relative with the unit's options as seconds, minutes, hours and days. The units can be abbreviated to 1 character (15m or 5h). If duration is blank it will match on all event durations. This input parameter can also reference a cell.
'Properties' are defined during the creation of the Event. The Property conditions will return any event that satisfies all property conditions. There can be multiple property conditions, so if all conditions are true for an event it will be returned. To add a condition, press the Add button below the Properties list. A pop-up dialog will guide you through building a property condition. To remove a condition, select the condition in the list, and press the Remove button. To edit an existing condition, double click on the condition. A more advanced property condition can be constructed by selecting the between operator. This will allow a search for a property value that is greater the X and less than Y.
Will return any event with a Notify that contains the string. There can be more than one string to match on separated by spaces. If blank, will match on all names. This input parameter can also reference a cell.
Display Fields
The columns that are checked will be returned from the search. To rearrange the order, click a field and then press the up/down buttons along the right side. You can also drag and drop fields to rearrange the order. "Select All" will check or uncheck all columns. When the Properties column is checked, there will be a separate column for each unique property returned.
Output Location
The cell location where the results will be posted adding columns to the right and rows down. The default Output Location cell is set to the cell that has focus when the Ribbon button for this function is selected.
When using input parameters referencing other cells, if the input cell changes it will automatically update the resulting data.
The Input Pane can be closed at any time by clicking on the X in the upper right corner. To re-open the Pane, click on the Canary Ribbon "Find Events" button. If the cell containing an existing Canary function has the focus and the user selects the corresponding function button from the Canary Ribbon, the input controls in the Pane will be set according to the parameters of the Canary function.