Overview (version 25)

The following is a brief description for each function contained within the Excel Add-in.

Tag List - creates a tag list to be used in other add-in functions

Tag Properties - returns all property values for a given Tag List

Tag Data Context - returns latest timestamp, latest value, latest quality, and oldest timestamp for a given Tag List

Raw Data - returns the raw data stored in the Historian for a given Tag List

Processed Data - returns processed data using normalized timestamps using an aggregate and aggregate interval for a given Tag List

Value At - returns the first value from a given start date that satisfies a conditional expression

Last Value - returns the last value for a given Tag List

Find Events - returns current/historical events that have been pre-configured within the Canary Admin

AdHoc Events - allows the user to find events ad hoc that satisfy conditional expressions

Version Info - returns the version number of the Views service the client is connecting to along with the Excel Add-in version number

Aggregate List - returns the aggregates used within the Processed Data function along with their descriptions

Clear - removes any array generated by a Canary function from the spreadsheet. To remove an array, select any cell within the array then select the Clear button.

Recalculate Workbook - allows the user to recalculate any Canary function that is contained within the current sheet. This is useful if using relative start and end times such as Now, Day, or Now - 1h.

Settings - allows the user to choose which Historian to connect to, the Time Zone the data should be returned in, and how to authenticate using an API token

Help - opens the Help File documentation

